Warm weather= motorcycles..drive carful..story..

Yesterday I was cruising the 219 heading south towards boston/hamburg on my R6. I was in the left lane about 80mph when a kid in a cavalier decided to go from the right lane to the left lane putting me into the rumble strips… Now the kid was obviously not paying attention and I laid on the horn and he swerved back into his lane and gave me a huge “sorry”.

Yeah yeah we all make mistakes but when you are driving a motorcycle,you get only one mistake… and when its somone elses carless driving it really gets to you, becuase, of this kids careless driving I may not be able to be sitting here and typing this…

 Yes, i used to always be talkin on my cell phone and eating and such while driving but now that I have a bike its made me realize that I am opperating a deadly weapon and I am also not the only person on the road. I hope Everyone on the forum will keep there eyes open for bikers this season, and every season from now on.

BTW… for all you who remember me from a few months ago… I WILL BE POSTING PICTURES OF MY GIRLFRIEND ON MY MOTORCYCLE:biglaugh::biglaugh:

a lot of my perspective on driving changed when i started riding a motorcycle as well…you realize a lot more when you dont have a shell around you to protect you, and you carry that newly found info with you every time you sit in the driver seat of a car from then on…

that said though, i can’t wait for another season of riding…

oh, and i also can’t wait for the pics of the gf on the bike :tup:

pics or ban

beckington style.

EDIT- good reminder I have seen way more bikes on the road this year and hopefully by seeing more people will keep them in mind

Kinda OT: There’s another side of the coin here too…
I was driving down elmwood @ rush hour and saw some dood on a harley, with Nuttz on his Licenceplate… well he was nutz because he was so close to the back of a car it was crazy… the car wasn’t going fast enough so he was Revving at them… So I did what anyone’d do… Got to where my bumper was close to where he was on the bike… and laid on my horn…

^Way to teach him a lesson. Vigilanty justice for the win! :bloated:

If the car in front of him had jammed on its breaks, punting him off his bike the way he deserved for riding like a dick, you would never forget the sound of your tires going over his body, ending his life.

I almost killed my first biker this year, a few weeks ago… asshat changed lanes (he was in the driving lane with another biker, I was passing on the left) and he didnt even bother checking his blind spots. His rear wheel JUST missed my front bumper… had to slam on the brakes and shit :tdown:

be careful out there… remember, alot of idot drivers so make sure you cover your own ass. Be aware and ride safe