warning: ebay email scam

I’m sure it’s not a new one, but it’s going on right now.

Looks legit, right?

Take another look at the link address (at the bottom of the broweser)

it didn’t come in to my junk mail because I have “ebay” items going to a folder for shit from ebay…

I once got caught by the 2nd chance offer " I sent you the money, when will you ship?" scam. I wasn’t paying attention where it went to and poped in my username and pw, but for some reason it didn’t bring up the page I was use to seeing after I entered in my stuff… I went into e-bay… the msg was NOT in my e-bay msg box… so I immediately changed my pw.\

Remember kiddies ALWAYS check the url for weird things like www3. or whatever… I always recomend going into e-bay and checking your msgs / offers never do it from the e-mail link… better to be safe than end up like the baseball card scam person.