washer fluid

im trying to get my wash fluid to work… when i pull back on lever, jsut the wipers work… and yes there is fluid in the bottle!!

any ideas!!!

^fluid froze!!! just a guess. but with the weather were having, im not gonna be suprized if thats the case.

did you checkif the tubesa are connected…:C :drivin

… Nozzels clogged, nozzels not connected, hose clogged, pump not going… even possibly frozen water in your washer fluid.
You haven’t given many details. When did this start happening? Was it as early as yesterday? How much fluid do you have in there? Do you hear any noises when you try to get the washer to go?

EDIT – You might even want to list what type of car you’re talking about. Someone on this board with the same car may tell you what the most common occurence for this happening is.

try this
boil a lot of water poor it on the area’s where the jets are and then on the hoses themselves…poor slowely

follow the lines

if a line is off a fitting its probly because of it being clogged with frozen washer fluid.

follow he lines back to the tank

do not put water in the tank.

run the washer jets see if it works…
if so
go get new fluid and poor it in, spray a whole bunch to get the crappy stuff out of the lines.

i have added IPA (99% + alcohol) to my tank on occasion.

if you dont hear the little motor running its a fuse or the electric motor…

replace with high power one from canadian tire

oki…weird thing happened today…i read this thread…decide to go out for coffee with my friend and the same thing happened to my car…i was a little freaked out…but after cursing and swearing and pressing the button a million times it finally worked…yay for not having to fix anything!!

sorry for my randomness…i’m bored!!

the fluid was most likely frozen and when you kept pushing the button the unfrozen water was melting the fronzen part:drivin :C

well whatever it was it’s no longer clogged!! how could i prevent that from happening in the future?

oki dokie :slight_smile: thankies :slight_smile:


  • If you put water in the bottle and that does not immediately correct your problem, you’ll have water in the base to Freeze, expand, and break new holes in the bottle.
  • If it does work right away there is no way you’ll get all the water out of the system. Even if you run it dry, water will still sit in the lines. That will freeze and further clog your system.

put some gasoline anti-freeze in there…works like a charm

also press the button and listen to see if the pump is working…simple test that will save you alot of time

thanks for all the input… the pump is not working! but im goin gto check if there is power going throughout the wire first, to make sure thats good and the wiring is okay, and if there is power reaching the plug then i guess its safe to say it the pump that is gone!! THANXX TO ALL FOR help…!!

if you have a hatch and the pump is the one that is actually not working and you need to see…flip the hose from one pump to the other. but then you have to put the wipers on then press the hatch washer spray thing and let it spray. temporary fix untill you get another pump.

my washer fluid isnt working but i know why, i have no fender liner and i guess snow/ice/a rock or something hit the pump connector and broke it off :frowning: