Waste of time and $.

Billets are great but you always haveto polish them, pita! And you know how rich is. These wheels are sexy and they will look awsome on them. NO pinstriping on the car, but the dedication on the bottom of the hood is all me baby!

which carubba is doin the work?

Way down the the niagara falls blvd. I guess its there newer facility. Its Just before the airport .



Those Foose wheels look slightly different that the ones I am used to seeing (Like Cragars: http://www.choicewheels.com/_Assets/cragar_ss_classic_wheels.jpg). The spokes on these Foose wheels have that little edge on the sides. I really like how subtle that is.

:tup: I like em.

Theres a kid named Jim S. that works at advance outo on union in west seneca. Not sure if hes on here or not but he has a Trans am thats quick as fuck (9sec car i believe he said). I can get the youtube video link from him. This kid is like a genius when it comes to these cars, definitly knows alot about them and what to do to them. Couldnt hurt to get some advive from him. :slight_smile:

Please post that youtube link ASAP.

355firebird thats him

search 355firebird in youtube, its red with a black cowel hood.

:word: jimbo is the man

Yes he is! Definitly knows his shit, hes helped me out a ton! :tup:


Send pics of new paint w/rims :slight_smile:

Car needs to be put back together front and rear bumper is still off and the wheels are at the shop so after its all together and clean ill post pics. It will be on the news in the next couple of weeks also. We are still trying to figure out how to give him the car? At the airport at his house we have no idea. Any suggestiong for the reveal will be welcome.

That’s a weird intake on that LS1. Is that some kind of high-flow unit?

Ultra-high flow!

Not an ls1… :picard:

there you go

If its not an LS1 then why would someone put all tha time and work into a V6 firebird? :gotme: I hope he’s plannign on swapping in an LS1.