Watch Crew: What to buy?

You cant compare apples to oranges

i wouldnt say i was comparing replica watches to that, just saying its kind of the same mindset…

its the thought process

you can’t afford the real thing, so you try to trick people…but you’re just fooling yourself

just like those idiots with fake BOV’s and intercoolers, sure you can fool yourself and other idiots, but anyone that knows anything about cars (or watches) can spot the fakeness from a mile away.

like joe said for 500 you can just buy a non-fake, nicer(quality,function) watch.


im not hating, but this is why there are front mount air intakes and NA blow off valves.

just showing the comparison.


sorry man, you tried but that was a huge fail.


sorry man, you tried but that was a huge fail.


no, not really.

people like you & the way you think is why ricers exist.

Evolve >>>>>>>>>> you

[quote=“Toda Party,post:143,topic:34295"”]

its the thought process

you can’t afford the real thing, so you try to trick people…but you’re just fooling yourself


reading comprenhension


Not like anyone is gonna run around trying to pass it off as real. Sorry im not a real baller…:rolljerk:


I like the LOOK of the watch, having said that im not about to put my self 6,000 in debt for something that i think looks nice. if fossil had a watch with the same type of face and band combo i would buy it cause it looks fucking nice. Seriously.:whogives:

as said on IM:

adam // says (3:09 PM):
i see both your points
im much more likely to buy a cheaper watch if i cant afford some super baller one
then buy a knockoff of a super baller one

Funny thing is Joe nicely suggested the place to find a similiar watch via PM, cause he has some class. Todas reasoning is just silly. Not taking his ignorance personally at all.


nice. Seriously.:whogives:


As I said before,




And Toda, I did have 5k laying around; it was already invested into college. Maybe you should do the same


reading comprenhension

I like the LOOK of the watch, having said that im not about to put my self 6,000 in debt for something that i think looks nice. if fossil had a watch with the same type of face and band combo i would buy it cause it looks fucking nice. Seriously.:whogives:


I agree. Its just a watch. Its not a car or anything with critical function like a intercooler or bov. A watch is a accessory which should look good and tell time.

Spending 6K on one is retarded unless you make 300k /yr and dont care.
Most financially conscious people invest their money and dont spend more the 1k on a watch.


Most financially conscious people invest their money and dont spend more the 1k on a watch.


Thats the point i was trying to make, glad someone else sees it that way


And Toda, I did have 5k laying around; it was already invested into college. Maybe you should do the same


what the fuck is your malfunction?

edit: I don’t know what you do for a living, and I don’t really care but you’ve made it painfully obvious that #1 you don’t like expensive watches (because you can’t afford them) and #2 you don’t understand watches…so I can’t really figure out why you’re even in a thread about watches…so you can :gtfo:

and to put this “waste of money” argument to rest:

Buying an expensive watch is no different than buying an expensive set of wheels.


edit: I don’t know what you do for a living, and I don’t really care but you’ve made it painfully obvious that #1 you don’t like expensive watches and #2 you don’t understand watches…so I can’t really figure out why you’re even in a thread about watches…so you can :gtfo:


I like watches, just not those. Not because of price… i just dont like them.
This might not be baller enough for you but this is what i like.


As I said before,

And Toda, I did have 5k laying around; it was already invested into college. Maybe you should do the same


5K for a college? Where’d u go, BOCES? :lol:

lol @ college

joe i woulda just posted this on 6speed, its pointless here

[quote=“Toda Party,post:155,topic:34295"”]

5K for a college? Where’d u go, BOCES? :lol:


Yea i meant 5k total, you’re a fucking retard

Edit: Some how i missed this


what the fuck is your malfunction?


People like you who cant make decisions on your own, its not only this thread.

many people here don’t appear to understand that your total ownership cost of a $5000 watch may only be like $200 if you buy slightly used and sell a few years later in good shape.

yet the same people will spend $200 on a watch that’s worth nothing 5 minutes after they buy it.

and you’re the crazy one joe.


Yea i meant 5k total, you’re a fucking retard


actually if you gave boces 5,000 you would be as big a tard as someone thinking that it was anything but a collection of high school districts. Seems as though someone in this thread doesnt know what boces even is…

Anyway thanks for suggesting where to find a watch Joe best of luck to you finding one you like some sweet suggestions in this thread. Toda, don’t know you man but im glad to know you have me totally pegged in your mind…