Watch how real shit gets the next few years (China hacking everyone)

I told my wife to delete that shit off her phone yesterday.

Yeah, uh, tick-tock ya don’t stop
And to the, uh, tick-tock n’ya don’t quit

I don’t see the government forcing TikTok to shut down but who knows.

In 20 years political opposition groups will be scouring TikTok for potentially damaging content. Content that China will essentially own.

is there a coles notes link on why tiktok is the devil?

nm, just read the wiki. any other good pieces to read?

Amazon wants employees to remove Tiktok

Pro level stuff here

And last one

Curious what was going on here. Why would they be burning a bunch of papers all of a sudden? It’s not like we have any way of searching the consulate being that it’s considered foreign soil.

Usually when you see mass document destruction it’s because a company is doing something shady and knows a warrant is coming down and they’re about to get raided. There’s no way we were about to raid an embassy. I have no doubt China was doing something shady but as long as it was inside the embassy property I’m not sure why they suddenly felt the need to hide it.

I assume it’s standard operating procedure when your consulate gets shut down and you have to leave?

The indictment stuff that came out yesterday is definitely kicked up the speed on all this but again this is nothing new.

Ok, I misunderstood the timeline. I thought they were caught burning a bunch of documents and then we told them to GTFO, but it was the other way around. That makes a lot more sense.

please keep posting this stuff. it’s great reading.

Not really “hacking”, but related to China. Saleen BTFO:

Saleen asserts that the government of Rugao is attempting to take over the joint venture now that it has his intellectual property and patents. He claims that the director of corporate affairs for JSAT, Grace Yin Xu, has been missing since June 22 when she entered a government building shortly after refusing to lie to local law enforcement who wanted her to state Saleen’s business partner had provided false information and embezzled money. In addition, the company’s vice president of manufacturing, Frank Sterzer, was allegedly detained for six hours by the authorities.

“Such measures may not be enough to protect my 40 years of work and the brand I have built. But it isn’t too late for other American entrepreneurs whose livelihoods are at stake,” Saleen writes.

I can’t wait for next time I have to goto China and they drop this thread on me :rofl:

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What did he think was gonna happen

I’m guessing Elon is smart enough to understand that a lot of his shit is going to get stolen and that’s just part of the cost of doing business

dudes… the news in your country is crazy… because it only gets leaked in other countries…

That probably fits better in @LZ1’s China thread.

And is this related to the Google outages today? :thinking:

Busy with the Russia(probably) pwning Solarwinds and a bunch of downstream clients :slight_smile: