Watch out for those poles outside the delta sonic car wash

Ahhh this shit that I saw at Delta over the years…

What I bet happened was he forgot to put the car back into drive, continued to floor it when the car didn’t move and popped it into drive when he finally realized it without letting the rpm’s settle.

shit will buff out.

Maybe he had a seizure. I’ve had two people drive into my lawn and hit a tree, because they had seizures.

LOL that is nuts… it happens a lot… people freak out at the end and slam the gas pedal down

prolly saved an accident on the blvd thats for sure… ive seen cars fly across the blvd and over the median before


I’m absolutely certain that this incident will somehow “not” be the driver’s fault.

was it a caddy?

Uhhh… That’ll buff right out[COLOR=Black]…[/COLOR]:cky:

Looks like a ?Nissan?

at delta everything is the drivers fault

Guy looked pretty healthy to me.

Correct. It was a Nissan Sentra I think.


wow lol. that is worse than the pole in the manor lanes parking lot. How do you not notice 5 bright yellow poles lol. when did this happen? Looks to be a little after noon? I must have just missed it.


Maybe he got to the end of the carwash and forgot to put the car in D, revved the shit out of it, then remembered, then neutral drop, then smash.

Someone mentioned that already. That seems like the most logical scenario since people who have worked at car washes say it happens all the time.

one time a lady was reading a book, and we had to like slam our fists on her to window to snap out of it… she was about to coast right into another car… she def freaked out


When I worked at Delta a woman in a windstar slammed the gas the car was in nuetral, she then put it in D but the gas pedal was stuck LOL

She nearly took out one of the people wiping cars, drove through a brick thing that housed garbage and a diy vacuum.

She came to a stop when she hit an employees Bronco on the opposite end of the lot, It was kind of funny, at least no one was hurt.