Watch out for those poles outside the delta sonic car wash

What a way to ruin your day. You’re excited to have a shiny clean car after a winter of salt and get to enjoy it for 0.31 seconds before your clean car becomes a wrecked car.
Mine’s not as good but I gues this happens more then you think. This happened near the bowling ally on Sheridan next to the 190. In this persons defence it was snowy and the pole looks white’ish.

:tup:on getting that picture. UNREAL
Yea it looks like they gunned it trying to get onto the Blvd. But it looks like they were trying to make a left turn. Leaving Delta there you can only go right


Wonder if they got the option to come back in 10days for a 2nd car wash

hmmmmm no airbags?

It’s still not as good as the Celica that was driving inside a coned off section on Main and drove into a 3’ deep hole. I drove past it and did a double take because it was so absurd it almost didn’t register that it was sitting on it’s frame with its nose in a hose in the street. I thought someone on here posted a pic of it?

Damn I was just at that gas station a few days ago, why do I always miss the good stuff.

Found it. Not nearly as lol-able as I remember, but worth reposting:

I was going to go with a Dyngus Day joke, but opted to contribute with another absurd accident that I photographed a few winters ago…

love the guy with his hands on his head

FS: 2007 Nissan Sentra. Fresh Paint! Motivated Seller!!

You wouldn’t believe how a construction zone turns normal people into retards behind the wheel. My favorite is when they follow a dump truck with the giant “CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE DO NOT FOLLOW” signs right into the work zone. It’s like no matter what people see they just follow the car in front of them, I swear if you were in a work zone and started to slalom between the cones every single car behind you would start to do it.

I can’t believe no one gave you the :tup: for this post yet. :slight_smile:

I worked construction for a few years as a summer job and I could not agree more. The amount of asshats in workzones, especially when I was a flagger, was outrageous.

LOL that was the first thing I thought of. That sucks badddd.

maybe it was one of these that just pops out of the ground.

Holy shit!

Those are scary.

holy shit

Holy shit.

Holy shit

HOLY shit