This just too simple of an explanation for an extraordinary event.
but to reiterate, i dont actually care about 9/11. It is just an event for which everyone one has a direct emotional attachment to and therefore it is used to personify a pattern of decision making that has existed for decades upon decades in country after country.
the documentary is not about jesus or 9/11… John just made it seem that way…
the first half uses those two topics to segway into the third and most interesting part
i spent over an hour today and found a second source for every one of the basic 5 points listed for every figure mentioned before jesus to prove to someone else who doubted the legitimacy of it so if you feel that you learned everything there was to know about Horus and every single other figure mentioned in highschool - that’s your problem not mine. People can claim all they want about what they know or don’t know but until I see some proof other than “i cant find it on google” you’re wrong as far as I’m concerned. Right or wrong, at least these guys based what they are saying on substance (they listed all of their sources, many of them), you guys are just saying its wrong and expecting other to be like “oh ok i guess its wrong”. Oh shit Richard, they didn’t teach you something in school - it must not exist. :rolleyes:
bing, so i “admitted” i didnt watch the whole thing - how does that change anything about what part 1 explained?
I liked it, it was a fun video to watch, but… I don’t know if I can believe it or not. I mean, if their supporting facts are true, then this is one hell of a conspiracy, but I have no proof or reason to believe that their supporting facts are true.
It’s like me talking about how Bing is gathering all these guns, and tanks and shit, and making plans to take over the Niagara region. I back it up really well by going over all this stuff that he’s done, and gathered, and everyone goes OMG!! but in reality, my supporting facts are totally fabricated. I mean, it’s all very elegant, but what’s to say that it’s true?
John, It doesnt, i just dont find the religion part to be very important once you watch the whole thing. Focusing on it detracts from the piece.
The sections about the Federal Reserve, the history of other false-flag attacks, the money system etc. are all perfectly in line with the many non-fiction books i have read, most specifically by nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and his admissions about the IMF and World Bank.
It’s awesome stuff and i think everyone needs to understand how the world actually works.
I certainly hope no one in North America still thinks that the war in Iraq has anything to do with liberating a people.