watch this video or die now

I am 20 min’s into it right now, and so far it’s pretty cool. I will watch the end of it later tonight when i get back home.

If you’re not happy with how things are you can always change them.
The first thing they try to convince you is that it can’t be changed.

There is another documentary called “The Century Of The Self” that is pretty interesting… in the first part they show how a man named Edward Bernays used psychology to help change people so they no longer looked at buying ‘needs’ but trained to want ‘desires’. One of the first things he did in the 1920s was to open women up to smoking cigarettes (before the 20s it was looked down upon for women to smoke) using a clever marketing technique and after psychoanalyzing why women weren’t smoking he managed to associate women smoking with women’s fight for rights…

In later episodes they show how this technique of pandering to people’s desires instead of needs and using psychoanalysis and focus groups gets applied to modern politics and how inneffective and damaging it becomes.

Part 1: Happiness Machines

Part 2: The Engineering of Consent

Part 3: There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed

Part 4: Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering

It’s not as interesting as the Power of Nightmares but it’s still good.

Bing, I’ve got the DVD of zeitghiest (sp?) I’ll burn a few coppies for people who want one. But I’m away on Vaca for 2 weeks so tough nanners till I get back.

Although all this information is a bit disturbing, it is simply the world we live in, and have known since our birth. We have a different view of things by not living in the US. Our system is not quite as corrupt just yet. Our money is still backed by phisical gold, unless something has happened while I wasn’t looking.
Things are never what they seem, and are constantly evolving. Even though we think we’re informed by watching this, there is so much more that we have no concept of. Our lives may see many more horrible things, or there may be a wonderful change. Watch and laugh as it happens.

for those who havent seen the second one yet…

Here is a link:

People need to understand that most of the world believes that if they think one way…

It’s the way.

People have to understand that everyone’s brain works differently, and we were all brought up by different people (for the most part). People condemn others for their religion and shat, but why?

lol. I’ll watch this vid in a sec and see why everyone is so tight about it.

^^^ what did you think

Internet is ghey here, I’ll have to watch it at the gf’s tomorrow -_-

very interesting, and very upseting, worst part nobody can do anything about it! we’re all doomed!

i watched the addendum at work today… decent stuff.

i gotta look into solar power for the house.

you know that this, is awesome.

And when it’s all said and done and the smoke clears up the only thing remaining will be some guys sweet 1990 CRX si ! …

LOL Sorry guys I got bored.

Guys, we will never know the real truth about life, unfortunately the monent of truth comes when a human takes his last breath and shut his eyes for the final time… Is there something after all this, or is there nothing and it all just comes to an end… Personaly I never want to find out, if it was up to me I would love to live forever! I’m happy with my life!