Watch your countrymen die

Nice IED Promotional video

for the people that said “what terrorists” “what war”

now they are busy over there… when they are done they will look elsewhere

i could only watch about half… to many of those look to familiar. i wouldn’t be surprised if one of the vids was me

is it graphic?

not really

mostly humvees blowing up. No pics of fatalities though

brighten up this thread…

they can do their job i’ll do mine.

Damn… respect

Not to be a newb, but could you tell me what Im looking at in that pic? Rifle scope?

:tup: Mike

this was through my small scope on my M16 … an ACOG 4X32 red dot reticle with drop compensator.

it’s a quick two eyes open scope good enough for CQC and good enough to reach out and touch anything at 500 yards easily and acuratley


Nice pic, Mike

Jesus Christ.

IEDs are no fucking joke. Land mines too. Thats even more horrific.


Don’t forget the added bonus… IEDs & Mines that go untriggered during military activity are still laying around for some innocent child, or random citizen to die of.

107 mm katusha rockets were barrels of fun too :bloated:

i only watched 1/4th of the clip. its point was made when you could hear the guys filming the explosions start laughing when a humvee blew up.

like many others i super support our troops

but fuck the war

Hearing shit like that makes me wish that they would just level the area cause that shit. There are good people there but holy fuck its just not worth the lives of americans to let them vote.

i have said since day 1. turn it into glass


Thank you for posting this btw. Its my strongest argument against the war for my friends who somehow believe in the war…

(following is not directed at you personally)

There is a flipside to that interpretation. The reasons for starting this war may or may not have been valid. I cant answer that because we dont have all the facts. To assume we do would be ignorant. The war does bring different faces of terrorism to light. If it is not dealt with then terrorist activity will simply increase and evolve. This vid shows the mentality of these people. It shows just how deranged they really are. If anyone thinks they will simply relax if left alone they are seriously kidding themselves. People here sit on their fat fucking asses whining about how they have to take their shoes off at the airport… while 19yr old kids are getting blown up by these muslim psychopaths. God forbid your GOD-GIVEN(wrong) freedoms are compromised to the point where YOU actally have to do something (like take your shoes off) to contribute to public safety. Its almost sickening to think that people are more interested in petty conveniences then helping to protect the wellfare of others.

This is the kind of American ignorance I find disgusting.