Water/Alcohol IC sprayer...snags

I’m building a water/alcohol sprayer for my Supra Sidemount to help me a little bit in this blistering heat we seem to be having now adays and i’ve hit a few snaps and i could use some suggestions. I got a DSM front washer pump for $13, alot of vacume hose $10, a switch and inline fuse $4, and i yoink’d a spray nozzle off of a hand pump pressure sprayer from my garage. I have the switch all wired up and set. But my issues are these, I want to put the resevoir in the trunk since i can’t find any hood space but i don’t know how i should run the hose to the IC, either through the car or under it. That and i don’t know what to use as a resevior, i tried a 2 liter cola bottle wich did work well but it seems a little small and i have no idea how to mount it.

Bassically i need to figure out:

How to run the hose to the engine bay?

What resevoir to use?

Where to mount it?

And where i can find a push switch that only activates while its depressed.?

I appreciate the suggestions or comments, and feel free to be very informal .

dood you’re using all the wrong parts, i put my system in 2 nights ago and had 0 problems and there’s even room to mount the tank under the hood (course i don’t have cruise)

your washer pump probably won’t be strong enough to run from the trunk, use a fuel pump (denso has stainless internals that don’t corrode) use a pressure switch, and use real misting nozzles.

i got two fuel pumps at my house one that runs about 14psi and one that runs up to 60 psi.

hit me up if you need them. the 14psi ill sell for 20 (used for about 3 months then yanked for my conversion. and the 60 psi one is for a vortec 4.3 mpi and i never used it. i found out that i could use the one out of the firebird. ill let that one go for 35 bucs

the 60 psi one is what you want, the spray nozzles from mcmaster-carr are rated 60-100psi

The pump i’ve got moves plenty of water through 15 feet of hose for the time being, i’ll stick with that one until i get the rest of the bugs worked out. What spray nozzles are you using and where are you getting them? I’ve yet to test the nozzle i have on right now, i set the appoxy up last night and i’m at work right now, I think it will do the job but i want something better. I ran the line up with the fuel lines under the car, hopefully that wont be a problem.

Plus i still do have my stock DSM fuel pump if that’ll work.

Oh and where are you finding pressure switches? i searched 3 autopart stores and a K-mart and didn’t come up with anything close.

step 1: open front door
step 2: walk to end of driveway
step 3: yell this: “joe get me that pressure switch you got kurt”
step 4: shoot yourself for not asking him first

as for the pump i’m using a dsm pump, nozzles like i said were mcmaster-carr mist nozzles 15gph @100psi

i have an NX IC Sprayer kit i picked up dirt cheap, im not sure if im going to keep it or not, but if i decide to sell it i’ll let ya know

Are you talking about a boost pressure switch or are you talking about a button that only activates while its depressed as opposed to an on/off.

Also, do you have any trouble with the DSM pump leaking water through the line because the tank elevation is higher than the nozzle? Because i got my system up and running now, and that is the main problem.

Plus can you run strait water through the pump or do you need a lubricant as well?

denso pumps (stock dsm ones) have stainless internals you can run straight water, no my nozzles dont leak it’s cuz you’re not using the right nozzles, the switch is psi activated adjustable from 2-15psi

you really should have asked me before you jumped into it cuz i already had a setup made

Well man, i really had no idea whatsoever that you were spraying your intercooler, honestly i thought you gave up on alchohol injection and every other sort of spraying. But it’s alright, I wired up my DSM pump(free) and i ordered 2 of those nozzles both the 90 degree cone and 160 degree to see which i like more($8 for both), all the wires, hose, electrical and switch are all still good, so i really only wasted $13 and about an hour of my time. Line and wires are ran, i just gotta hook the stuff up. I appreciate the help.

your vacuum line won’t handle the pressure…which nozzles did you get? mine are a full cone misting nozzle

Well as it stands, i’ve got 2 cone misting nozzles, a stock fuel pump, a push button switch and a check valve and its working pretty well at the moment, i need a boost switch and better check valve system but thats all on the way.

i dunno mines been working perfect since u tried building one…maybe you should have followed the directions i gave you

just get a check valve from a diesel… that’s what i use. (vw tdi)