
hahaha ^

rofl omg. You guys do realize it takes more energy to create the hydrogen via electrolysis than the hydrogen has, so i fail to see any benefit here

Well, actually, if your alternator is producing unused electricity, then it might work theoretically.

thats why they have these things called regulators. Seriously, how much hydrogen do you think you can make? It doesnt come from nowhere, addtional load on the alt=additional load on the engine. Theres no free lunch



I think I might design a webpage like that and pitch that same eBook,because it keeps getting reposted which means people keep falling for it.I bet that guy makes a few hundred dollars per day with that website.Commissions are like $50-$75 for that particaular eBook.

He probably has 10 other websites just like it that pitch different eBooks and they’re earning him quite a bit of income.

the “order now” button is water4gas.pay.clickbank.net

Clickbank is a digital products retailer.:picard:


This same exact thing was discussed on s2ki not to long ago and it it turned out to be a debate about the benefits and the alternater working harder just like lxiflyby just stated. I think its interesting and the miniscule (sp.) amount of extra power from the alternater isent enough to offset the increase from the hydrogen produced. I cant go into this really because i honestly forgot most of what was said but i can see this working, i find it to be pretty interesting personally just gotta have an open mind about it i guess. Well thats for my pointless post lol

There is total merit to this.

Those old enough (cough AWDrifter) to remember the gas crisis of the late 70s. Water injection was a popular way to increase gas mileage and was used quite frequently with the older cars. It was much easier to tune in with the carbs but did work on your everyday vehicle.

I remember the stories about this from all of my old timer auto teachers back in the day. They said they damn near doubled their mileage, from 15 to 27 ish. On old time v8s with carbs that werent’ that efficient to begin with.

bringin this whole topic up reminds me of one of my buddies currentyl experimenting with shit like this

hes put paint thinner in his gas 3oz for every 10 gallons and swears to it that he gets another 50 miles per tank
the bad is that it can possibly damage some seals

but then again i didnt belive him when he said he could get his atv and lawn mower to run on propane, but he did…

ill take a vid of the lawn mower, his atv is 150 miles away at his land


As Seen on Myth Busters. It did crap. The hydrogen generation took so long that it would be gulped in the engine turning over. if this actually worked the tank of water would need to be the size of your gas tank. You would see the water going away while using it.

Yes it does create hydrogen, but the ratio would be like 1 part per trillion of gasoline.

repost, i posted this like 2 months ago, and my thread was also a repost…


You would actually have to carry the water in a trailer behind the car. I did the basic thermodynamics and chemistry. It’s somewhere around 290 gallons making a lot of reasonable assumptions, and maybe a few less reasonable ones.

I don’t care to actually type it out.

im too lazy to read about it…but judging by everyone’s posts it sounds ghey…

hey im gonna figure out a way to run a car on human piss…so keep drinkin water and just piss into your tank when ya need to fill it up!..ill be charging $100 for the design, I GUARANTEE YOU IT’LL WORK! and i have numerous people that will back up my design(that werent paid :lol:)…:cjerk:

is that the general idea of this whole thing? its a bunch of excitement started by some jerkoff scam artist?

“…nyspeed solves the gas crisis!!!”

YAY! nyspeed comes through again! lol…while everyone else in the U.S is saying “who the fuck is NYSPEED!!!”

im thinking the only way it would work is if you could produce enough hydrogen then reduce the fuel pressure and cut back on how much gas the engine needs to run therefore using less gas and raising MPG. heres a better idea lets just supplement the fuel with nitrous

or take the bus…


My buddies friend is getting 53mpg on his 94 honda civic.
Engine bay looks weird with all the shit hooked up to it. Drives/starts perfect. Engine revs/runs normal. Prettyy coooOl.

edit: forgot to mention. It passed NYSI :slight_smile:

seriously? that sounds fantastic… pics of said engine bay?