Water/Meth injection questions and answers

It never seemed to spray properly. It was set to spray according to maf voltage. It seemed to have a mind of it’s own and sprayed when it wanted to. Mopst of the time not spraying when i needed it to. Due to this i never tuned to car to run to it’s max for fear that it wouldn’t spray properly.

stupid question ahead i guess…Why can’t this be mounted in the engine bay? My windshield fluid and pump is in the engine bay…

Meth boils at a temperature which is not uncommon to see on a summer day in your engine bay. It’s also a fuel. Enough said… :wink:

how much more involved is the tuning with a kit? How consistent are the injectors/spray rate?

unfortunately ive seen many meth installs with the tank in the engine bay… asking for it…

then am I missing something…i thought you could substitute windshield wiper fluid… no? if that mix was used…ok for engine bay?
i’d rather not have any extra junk in my trunk…so to speak.

yeah windshield washer fluid is ok for the bay… its already in there now isnt it :slight_smile:

ive used windshield washer fluid with good success.


Just because windshield washer fluid has water and a VERY small percentage of meth in it doesn’t mean it’s good to put inside your engine. That stuff leaves crap everywhere on the customer cars I’ve seen that came in with it. It’s all over the inside of the intake manifold and I can’t imagine you want that blue residue in your engine.

yeah thats probably not the best of ideas. now meth and distilled water mix most likely better.

ive been spraying it all summer. ill take off the pipes and throttle body and check to see how bad it is. if its not abrasive i dont see it causing too much trouble.
