Water pump problem

ok. so i had a water pump problem before where it was leaking. so i replaced it. its been less then 2k on it. the pully that is on the waterpump seems to be tilting. so as it spins, its tilting. is it possible for the pump to do this when it is in perfect working condition?

unless the threaded holes on the impeller are stripped no.

be sure the studs are in tight. use some lock tight. then tighten the nuts on there nice n tight.

shouldnt be tilting ur pully’s studs might be loose. be careful you can easily overtighten them strip the holes.

the studs are in there nice and tight i made sure. pully is on tight as well. gonna pull of the water pump to see if there is any loose play on it anyway. but the noises that i hear when its on is of fluids and metal. was laying under my tranny yesterday as the car was running and no noises coming from there. gonna pull of the pump now ill let yall now.

ok so water pump is A O K!!!

so if its not tranny causing noise, not my water pump… imma start taking the whole dam engine apart in a sec. the noises keep playing in my head that it was coming from the front of my engine. so i know it not tranny. even thou this auto has 340k on it. but it still works great.

so now im thinking it would be my timing chain that went. but would it make sounds of fluids and metal plus grinding? bah i hate this…

Take the cover off and take a look will only take like 15 mins or so,your guides still in there?If so pull 'em

didnt you say your water pumps pully seems like its tilting. it would help if you could tell us how the noise sounds like.

Holy shit, 340k on that auto? Impressive, I hope you do a 5 spd. swap soon, you’ll love it. If you want to stay with autos, I have a rebuilt auto from a 1993 with about 15k since the rebuild. Fresh torque converter and all that too. Let me know if you ever need it, it’s just storing up space in the basement.

Btw, I have to change my waterpump on saturday, mine is leaking like crazy, spitting drops of coolant radially, and making the PS belt slip.

i bid u fun with the stud removal and install.

heres what it sounded like http://rapidshare.com/files/29753620...2328a.3g2.html if u have quick time it will play this vid. camd from phone. if link is down or something let me know ill reup

forgot to mention this a sohc… sry dudes

link not working.

yea linky no workie.

should be up now.

i see the noise your talking about but hard to tell from video where ecactly its coming from especially with that loud ass fan. take the belt off and try moving the pulley for the ps pump and even the ac compressor if u have u may be able to hear something.

check timing chain tesioner hasent pooched…check oil level if high timing chain wore through inner housing …happeneed on my first s13 at around 300 k

just like u said. i had the valve cover off and as i was turning it by hand i can see the tensioner is making the noise. just a quick question. is it possible to replace it without taking the crank pully off?