Watkins Glen 8/29-8/30

handling stock vs. stock : EVO wins hands down

Mod vs. Mod : i dont know the answer to that question

You’re also forgetting the electronic nanny aspect. :wink:

wish i had an extra 450 to blow…id toss a midship monstAr into this evo vs fbod mix :slight_smile:

IVe seen better skidpad numbers out of a camaro than that, plus thats no 1LE :snky:, but thats magazine racing. Either way Im sure the evo is no slouch, but skidpads arent all there is to handling, much less handling a roadcourse. Power, torque, traction, brakes, and driving matter more. And I’m the last person to care about stock vs stock anyway, who would race a stock car? :shoot:

But like chucks said, no matter what you run, run what you brung and have the balls to hit that turn :bump:
Im more concerned about being able to hang with chuck than anyone else, that bastard has more power and more brakes than me, and its all my fault !

has more power or will have more power


i kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid

What I was going to say. Supersport abs/brake distribution and that trick center diff sure have corrected a few of my fuck ups. I’m not sure what the EVO has but I’m sure it’s electronics are also up to par.

If anyone wants to loan/rent me their STi, I’ll show ya what it can do. I’ve seen and respect what the American muscle can do on the track, but I think the STi or Evo will hold their own.

If I don’t run the ProRally in Minnesota that weekend, I’d be up for that. Maybe I can find a toy to bring down there.

Bottoms representing! I unfortunately will be in florida for that and i amd still in my “baby the car” phase. Your more than welcome to come out to an auto X and rock the sti there

Jon… if I had one I’d let you pilot it. if you replaced the tires.

But 450 is much dinero for us poor folk. Thats like 10 tanks of gas

Get betley to take one on a “test drive”


LOL now theres an idea

i think if both cars are driven to the maximum of their potential, that an evo would beat an fbod at a road coarse.

HOWEVER… people regularly discount the extreme importance of driver skill. for example i drive a moderately modded awd dsm, which is notably faster than a stock evo, with a very well prepped suspension, and i regularly lose to george little sr. who drives a STOCK camaro ss vert 35th anniversary. now, i am a pretty good driver, as i regularly place in street mod, but he usually spanks me pretty good.

driver skill is so important. i think we can all admit that. i just think people tend to minimize it quite a bit, because we are so used to street racing, which involves the least amount of skill of all racing (in MY OPINION).


absolutely true, a great driver is definitely half of what makes a fast car.

Well put Sam

yep, this is gonna end up turning into a “who’s the better driver” callout instead of “which car handles better” imho the only way to solve said debate is to have someone drive BOTH cars, but that aint gonna happen so this is gonna go on forever…

That, and/or who spends the most dough. This should be sweet. Not sure what the Maro has for Brakes and tires, but that can make a huge difference on this track. Factory Brembos are hard to beat, and obviously the tires can win the race. To make things fair each car should run the same tires, just to keep it even. Not sure it AWDDrifter is on this Forum, but I’m sure he’ll be up for a few laps, he’s already been there with his ride.


I love how this event hasn’t even taken place yet and the excuses are flying a mile a minute. Lets looks at what happened. Yet again people bring up the old argument of “oh imports own domestics in the twisties”. An argument ensues and the thread is locked. Then badazz calls them all out to prove their statement and then everyone starts backpedaling and making excuses. What happened to all the people who claimed their cars were being set up for road racing, hence why they never wanted to go from a dig? You’re telling me there are no imports that have done mods to their cars? I know there are modded evos and stis running around. If none step up I’m sure anyone else could take a crack at it.

And don’t start that “apples to oranges” BS. They are both cars, aside from that no two cars are the same, so by that logic there is no point in racing any cars because they are different. And I mean we are talking an EVO vs. a camaro. One of the best handling imports around. Small, lightweight, turbo, awd, RALLY INSPIRED, all kinds of electronic stability stuff, etc. going against an old, outdated, not even made anymore, solid rear axle, big, heavy, straight-line only, shitty brakes, shitty street tires, camaro. I mean damn, badazz is the major underdog in this. Someone must be interested in being able to say they beat him??

And as for driver ability, come on now. Badazz drag races. All he does is shift through the gears once going in a straight line, what could he possibly know about making both left and right turns? This should be easy for anyone with an EVO.

Oh and before anyone brings up “well why doesn’t badazz come to auto-X to race”

auto-X = 1/8 mile
road race = 1/4 mile

and we all know what most people around here think about the 1/8 mile

So why doesn’t everyone just put down their magazines and cool internet links about what cars should run and start worrying about what their own cars can/can’t do and get out there and race them? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v192/jeeves744/smilies%20and%20pics/6speed.gif

I think for some people (like me) its not an issue of excuses, although I am looking into this because I have never driven on a track. I would LOVE to do something like this just for the experience. If badazz can swing the $450 for tracktime + a set of tires for the day, good for him. I’d be hardpressed to say that I can afford it.

And even though auto-x isn’t the full out real thing it still displays vehicle and driver ability. And for a fraction of the price and cost of wear and tear on brakes/tires, why not come out?