Watkins Glen June 15/16th 2009 -Patroon BMWCCA

Tom --looks like mid 50’s next Friday

Jesse -Sorry to hear about the car.

Lew you are going. To Both. Sell any organs you have left.

And WGI or Bogie?

I would not make the choice but go to both, but for novices ( less than 2 events) Calabogie is CHEAP. C$ 350 plus 5% GST -so US$300 for Saturday AND Sunday. Plus you can camp at the track. Great Canadian Beer and Tom found the Canadian ballet somewhere.

Regular 2 day entry fee C$425 + 5% = $363 US ( more than 2 events)
3 day ( Experienced and Advanced only) $ 448.00 US

Register here http://www.karelo.com/register.php?BID=58&BT=10&PrivEv=7390

Includes a Saturday night banquet and t shirt of course.

AND you get to see Jesse actually race ( if the car runs).

But only if she takes out one headlight.

What did they call that car at the COM events? The one eyed somthing

Yeah they had a name for it…hahahahaha. When do you wan’t to meet up on thursday? I was going to bring the trailer, truck and car to work…so i can leave at 5 if you can.

Perfect–that is what I was figuring on. Towing down the BMW -not driving it. (240 motor still on stand)

Bruce haas the afternoon off and we figured to meet up and caravan down ( 88 to 81 to Scranton to 380 to 80. )

We need to figure out where to meet (top of 88?)

Fixed that for ya.

Thanks. Bummed. All of the people I was going to co-drive the enduros with had mechanical issues too. JP field went from big heaving hitting competition to a 1 man show.

Take it from someone who has towed to events and had to stand by and watch everyone else have fun… it will get better.

Just bring it home and you will fix it eventually.
There is a reason I refer to this as a disease.

I’m with the geriatric ^^^

Bite me -Geriatric my A$$

jk, and thanks for the deal on the shirts @ LRP last year? :rofl

Started out at like $15/shirt…ended up getting three of em from ya for like $10 :rofl

I did not want to take them home with me. Too heavy for my geriatric arms…

This year we should have a few extra --as people complain I never have any extra to sell at meetings.

Top of 88 is fine…what time were you thinking?

What are the safety requirements for Calabogie for convertibles w/ a hardtop?

Read this: http://bmwccottawa.org/bmwccottawa/schools/info_packet.pdf

This is assuming that we are following BMWCCA of Ottawa rules. I’m sure DJ will correct me if I am wrong.

Edit: DJ, what the hell does this mean “Race cars are only allowed in the instructor group and MUST contain a passenger seat”

Thats a good question…cuz i don’t plan on having a pass seat at calabogie…

For Calabogie we are running Ottawa’s convertible rules. They allow them with roll bars (factory in novice.intermediate – SCCA/CASC Rollbars for experienced and advanced)
For this event we are making sure that convertibles are approved ahead of time (making sure we have an instructor willing to ride in one)

Jeff – Ottawa has this thing about “race” cars in the instructor group. They require a passenger seat. For this event --instructors do not “HAVE” to have the passenger seat. ( our rules) – BUT based on the BMWCCA DEC in NOLA last month --ALL student cars must have passenger seats --as BMWCCA does require in car instruction.
Is your E30 registered? I think that makes it a “street” car. ( and helps going across the border)

Patroon is handling Tech and Grid – so I do not see a problem for you. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!

SPEAKING OF THE BORDER— As of June 2009 You NEED a passport or enhanced license to get back in the USA.

AND DO NOT tell the Canadian border guards you are working at the event ( if you are) --they will not understand volunteer work–they figure you are being compensated. It may get you a body cavity search ( which Benny might like?)

Tom- I figure 5:30 the 88 exit --leaving by 5:45 ( no waiting for Bass)

Yes, my car is registered so its not really an issue for me. It just sounded vaguely like an SCCA rule…

I’ll be there all 3 days to help out. I’m assuming we will need to use both paddocks with the race happening.

Yes they have some procedures that are different. We will have to work through them.
I have a paddock map and assume we will use both. We will be set up differently than last year and will grid in the pit lane / pre grid lane.

If you want to help design all of that I would appreciate any help.

Tech on Friday and Saturday is a big thing–especially making sure everyone gets through sound. We are not teching race cars–just school cars. ( and instructors? --hmmm need to check on that)

They require a pre tech for students like we do --we are probably more thorough on “on site” from what I have heard.

I only accept full cavity searches from E36 owners.

Lucky for you DJ is now an e36 owner…unless you prefer Jesse’s feminine hands

5:30 sounds good…i will be there.