way to go NYS senate [gay marriage]

oh, hes in this thread as well? good stuff :tup:

a little late on the topic but:

I don’t think any child should be prevented from having a mother (or father). Sure shit happens and parents die or leave but by having a child raised in a family with gay parents they are missing a part of their childhood which has statistically proven to be important.

This doesn’t mean that it should be banned, but adoption by gay parents obviously isn’t the ideal situation. I’ll agree its better than the streets.

Ironically I think its a similar situation when you raise a child in a certain religion. They are entered into it without a choice which doesn’t sit well with me. I know for a fact that I would be different if I grew up hindu, muslim, catholic etc.

Ban all marriage and allow people to deal with the subject through contract law and non legally binding religious ceremony as they see fit

How would this disappoint? I didn’t write the fucking book and all its contradictions.

This right here.

The government has no business giving out “marriage” certificates if they are going to use a religious definition for marriage. If the bible is going to be used as a guide, shouldn’t divorce be illegal?

Ok let’s…who has less abortions than gay couples? Can’t be against both. Although I guess if you are some sort of brainwashing fairytale machine then maybe you can.

Link to reputable statistics?

I was wondering the same thing… especially since the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association say that there’s no difference in being raised by same-sex parents …

Also, for those saying the state shouldn’t be involved in marriage, what happens to people who are atheists?

Easy. Atheists don’t have a religious ceremony to recognize their union.

In the eyes of the law, “marriage” is only paper-work. Change it to civil union and leave the pomp to religion.

Research shows that, on average, children of divorced parents are disadvantaged compared to
children of married-parent families in the area of educational achievement.11 Children of divorce
are more than twice as likely to have serious social, emotional, or psychological problems as
children of intact families—25 percent versus 10 percent.12
Most divorced families with children experience enormous drops in income, which lessen
somewhat over time but remain significant for years—unless there is a subsequent parental
cohabitation or remarriage.13 Declines in income following divorce account for up to half the
risk for children dropping out of high school, regardless of income prior to the divorce.14 The
effects of divorce on children often last through adulthood. For instance, adult children of
divorce are more likely to experience depression and their own divorces—as well as earn less
income and achieve lower levels of education—compared with adults whose parents remained

The 2000 Census revealed that out of 5.5 million cohabiting couples, about 11 percent were
same-sex couples—with slightly more male couples than female. One-third of female same-sex
households and 22 percent of male households, or about 163,000 same-sex households in total,
lived with children under 18 years old.40 (This compares with about 25 million married-couple
households with children under 18.)
Although the research on these families has limitations, the findings are consistent: children
raised by same-sex parents are no more likely to exhibit poor outcomes than children raised by
divorced heterosexual parents.41 Since many children raised by gay or lesbian parents have
undergone the divorce of their parents, researchers have considered the most appropriate
comparison group to be children of heterosexual divorced parents.42 Children of gay or lesbian
parents do not look different from their counterparts raised in heterosexual divorced families
regarding school performance, behavior problems, emotional problems, early pregnancy, or
difficulties finding employment.43 However, as previously indicated, children of divorce are at
higher risk for many of these problems than children of married parents.


I think there are additional implications. For an example a boy growing up with his divorced mother may not learn to throw a baseball, while a boy growing up with two lesbians as parents faces a more dire situation; learning to throw a softball.

Holy fuck



No seriously… this is fucking retarded, yes a magical man came out of no where, saved everything by sacrificing himself, then disappeared…


ps… based on his location and time that he supposedly was around, Jesus was statistically black

Link? i find that hard to believe

The reason why you don’t have straight parades is because straights are not lacking any rights that others freely have (and abuse)

Gay parades are there to bring awareness to others who are not aware

Who said the parade would have to be fighting for rights? Last I checked, parades were suppose to be for fun and entertainment.

Israel is located in Asia and AFAIK the historical and scientific consensus is most people in the region at that time were Semitic.

Well I don’t know about black but probably middle eastern aka really tan. I guess the “Garden Of Eden” was said to have been located somewhere in Africa.

archaeology proves reliability of bible:


It may be stated categorically that no archeological discovery has ever controverted a single biblical reference. Scores of archeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or in exact detail historical statements in the Bible

tell me the contradictions you think it has so I can clarify them for you.

archeology provides evidence, not proof, of the people and culture in the bible. And in no way shape or form provides any evidence or proof of the theory in the bible which is what your using to justify your claim about homosexuality. you sound like a religious fanatic with these claims and therefore no one will take you seriously.

how about the biggest contradiction of christianity. people were given free will…but yet God is omnipotent and therefore knew he was creating child molesters, rapist, mass murderers, ect.

I don’t see how this is a contradiction. God created people with free will, he didn’t want robots. With free will came the choice to do good or bad. Some people choose bad and some people choose good. God knew that by giving people free will, there would be consequences if they choose bad. God gave people the choice to live as they want. So ultimately God nor Christianity is to blame for child molesters, rapist, mass murderers, but the mans free will to do wrong and not right.