Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
man, i cant hate for people believing in the bible and understanding its a collection of stories meant to teach and such. but to think that the bible is a book of facts is just ridiculous.
I was saying that you said “no DNA = no kids for gays” and I was saying that you must clearly feel the same way about straight parents adopting children, and wondering why you felt that kids should be abandoned instead of being placed in a family.
oh. i was basically ignoring your posts by just reading the first line.
1.) essentially, yes no DNA - no kids for gays, though i was much more poetic
2.) the argument isn’t that the parents whether gay or start are “fit” to be parents, but subjecting a child to an environment that is clearly un-natural
3.) I don’t know the full adoption process, but i know there are TONS of heterosexual parents that want to adopt, but this is also a government runned process that would require a completely different thread. Basically…there’s no shortage of adoptive parents for “newborns”… i believe the whole foster children process is different. This topic is beyond my knowledge.
lol @ speedster. 97B18b1’s going to have an aneurism when he reads the crap you claimed about the constitution.
So if you believe the bible is factual then you believe that giant aliens called Nephilim mated with human women and had superhuman hybrid alien/human offspring? (See Genesis 6:4)Cause that’s pretty friggin cool. :tup:
Seriously though. Put down your Sarah Palin book. Her rhetoric is burning your brain.