^ so you’re saying the “gay” father actually took part in having sex with a woman to conceive a child? He has the right to be a father, i wouldn’t take that away from him. My issue is with a married homosexual couple who essentially forfeits their right to ever have childern…and try adopting one. If they do fertility or something that actually contributes there genes…it’s a grey area that i would rather concede into saying “That’s okay”
I too know of a man who was married for 20+ years…had a child some time ago… recently left his wife for an alternative lifestyle in cali. The traumatized child then killed himself.
i’m not saying that gays don’t have parenting abilities. I don’t think any child deserves to be subjected to it if neither gay parent are theirs biolgoically.
Hm. I understand your point. I really don’t care what people do because even wonderful people somehow raise their kids to be shitty people.
…the ridicule that would come with having two parents of the same sex…yikes. Even during job interviews I got surprised looks from middle-aged men when I opened my mouth. Such a stigma associated with engineering being a straight man’s world still…
I guess it boils down to: I don’t want a government with that type of control.
I’m all for same sex couples raising kids. I feel they should have more right to raise a child than. pedos, felons, adulterers… etc etc.
I’d rather some kid be able to recognize the smell of lotion and burning hair than absolutely neglect, or seeing his mother being beaten, his sister being fucked, his father/uncle/grandfather touch him, not knowing who one of his parents is, mother abusing drugs, the list goes on and on.
as for preferences:
Good parents (man + woman)
Good same sex parents
everything else.
I just can’t see how you can deny the right to a same sex couple, to adopt a child when one has a masters, the other has a bachelors, both have stable jobs, and actually give a shit about the kid. Yet its ok for a 12 year old growing up in the ghetto with no support system at all to keep their child.
I am %100 in support of same sex couples adopting children. Bing and ILC already touched on the main reasons why. Most gay parents don’t try to raise their kids to be gay. They fully understand the aspect of CHOICE, since they likely had to struggle with it in their own lives.
the crux of my arguement with respect to adoption was that the process of approval for people who want to adopt is massively strict… gay prospects will be held to even higher standards and i’m cool with that…
How does being gay have anything to do with their ability to raise a child? That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.
Same-sex families that end up adopting children typically want that child, unlike that vast majority of straight people that procreate on a regular basis.
They are going to be just as capable as any straight sex couple. If you feel you need a mother AND a father I guess we should have the state assume custody of all children of single parents then?
From what I’ve seen, children that grow up in same-sex households are going to be far more tolerant of other people, their beliefs and choices. Something we could all benefit from.
Gay people don’t make gay children, if that was your logic, how do they show up in the first place from straight people? It isn’t like you are going to catch the gay.
Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and that is fine, but when the state tries to control what people do is when I have a hard time swallowing it.
The US was started to escape from religious prosecution, not to build a church state based on the law of God. Defending the withholding of rights from homosexuals based on the word of the Bible is rather retarded. It is funny how you get to pick the parts of the Bible you like, and ignore the ones that don’t happen to fit your particular argument at the time.
I have to feel it is only a matter of time. This country is so fucking conservative it is disgusting, but it changes every year. 75 years ago no one could imagine blacks having rights, it is only a matter of time… it is just unfortunate that they are forced to wait.
i’m not saying that gays don’t have parenting abilities. I don’t think any child deserves to be subjected to it if neither gay parent are theirs biolgoically.
my disbelief that they should have the right to adopt has nothing to do with gays not being able to raise children and nothing to do with gays trying influence children with gay tendencies.
You’re right, no child of straight parents has ever committed suicide. No child of straight parents has ever been abused or neglected.
i’m not saying that gays don’t have parenting abilities. I don’t think any child deserves to be subjected to it if neither gay parent are theirs biolgoically.
So a child should live a life in the system, where they will grow up with no family, few opportunities, and statistically end up as a member of society that doesn’t contribute?
Last I checked, none of us got to chose our parents. Some of the are good, lots of them are crappy. I fail to see the correlation between having same sex parents and having poor parents.
how does your DNA have ANYTHING to do with it? There are plenty of same-sex families out there that have no DNA in their children, either by choice, or their own inability to procreate on their own. How does that apply AT ALL? Unless you are also implying that they shouldn’t be allowed to have children either.
Why should children without parents be forced by your logic to have no parents?
to me…bottom line. I don’t think it’s fair to the childern who are adopted. There is obviously world-wide debate about whether or not this is accepted by society (majority disapproval) and yet an innocent child doesn’t get a say in it. that’s my moral opinion.
again, for the 4th time. This has nothing to do with the parents ability to take care of the child, but placing a child into a very un-natural, forced family posistion without any say and being forced to grow up in a household that a majority of the world disapproves of.
Two same sex partners can be the best parents in the world, but they still don’t have control of the psychological impact it will have on the adopted child. Look at how many cases of regression etc… come from kids that just one of their parents abandoned them. They act out because “my father didn’t love me and left me as a baby.” Now your gonna have a kid who was abandoned by both his parents and will be growing up with 2 fathers or 2 mothers. The kid may have a roof over their head and food on the table, but will they live a normal life or need to see a psychologist weekly. Money is not a replacement for the natural course of life having a mother and a father.
Nys and individual counties issue marriage certificates- not god or the church. As such, the bible as you read it has no bearing in this argument.
As for the right of gay couples to adopt children- why not? There is a very specific process in order to adopt a child and it is very difficult to actually make it. How many sterile straight couples can’t have kids and adopt? They were not given the ability to procreate but are still allowed to. If you can jump through all the hoops and prove you can be a set of capable, loving parents- there is no reason not to help a child that has a future in foster care/ group homes.