those who CARE about this mess are the same ones who care about there country. This country was founded on biblical standards of living and beliefs. when America was started, the first leaders used their beliefs in what God says in the bible is right and wrong to form the constitution and create the first laws and rules of the formerly great country known as the USA. homosexuality is WRONG, and there are multiple verses within the bible that condemn it. (if you want the verses I will gladly post them, just ask)
what we need to do is take a look back at some formerly great nations that thought they could do whatever they wanted (IE homosexuality), where this belief took them, and their activities during their final days.
Sodom and Gomorrah : we all know what happened here, destroyed by a storm of fire for their homosexuality and other acts of sexual deviancy. Currently the USA is much worse than S&G ever was.
The Roman Empire : just to demonstrate a non biblical example, here are some quotes about the lifestyle of the Romans shortly before the fall of one of the greatest world powers ever.
“There are at least some signs that something approaching a homosexual subculture was already starting to develop in ancient Rome”
“In the mid Republic homosexual acts were widely accepted”
and I will even post the NON biblical link to these facts.
everything I have stated is 100% FACT, not just my personal opinion, although it is what I also believe.
What about 3 people that love each other? What about love for animals? Love for children?
Honestly I dont care, Im just stating the argument. Personally I think the government should get out of the wedding business and let religion handle it.
I guess i just don’t understand why gays WANT to get married. The majority of the gays who DO want to get married…is so they can have the same legal benefits as a heterosexual married couple. Adoptions are one of them i believe.
I 100% stand behind my belief that gays should NOT be able to adopt childern. 1st it’s fucked up for the childern…secondly if you have a lifestyle that dosen’t permit the creation of childern…then you shouldn’t be able to “obtain” children then either.
If you’re gay and choose to be legally bound to someone… that’s your choice, i don’t care. BUT the term “marriage” shouldn’t afford you some of the same “benefits” as a heterosexual married couple.
:tdown: to penis’ in butts
:tup: to living in a free society and having freedom of choice.
no, just means you should stop being a dirty slut.
I really don’t care if the butt fucking nancies get married at all… who cares if religion doesn’t recognize it. The government should at least be able to view them as an item for taxation reasons.
There is seriously nothing holy about a marriage by judge at all
Reminds me of the NAMBLA episode of southpark. I can’t remember the exact quote but the boy toucher said something along the lines of “I can’t wait for the days of equal rights and to be able to do something that is perfectly natural without being oppressed” to which kyle responds “Dude, you touch little boys. That’s fucked up”
Me and a friend were actually talking about this yesterday and how it will become true in the not so distant future. Don’t think so, people said the same about the gay marriage issue 30 yrs ago.
This shows ignorance to the gay rights movement, and how much they have fought since the Stonewall Riots. I don’t see the beastiality people or polygamy people turning complete cities into infernos because of injustice.
Just what I believe. No I don’t think they should be killed, tortured,etc but I do believe it to be wrong. Yes I’m basing that on the Bible and yes I do go to a ‘bible believing’ church on sundays, not some church that changes it or looks the other way on things that they don’t like or aren’t PC in the new millenium. No I’m not Catholic either. The way I look at it If you think Gay marraige is acceptable you CAN’T believe in the Bible or Jesus for that matter as it is clear as day many places in there that it is wrong. I know I’m going to get slack for this but it’s what I believe.
i maintain; homosexuality existed before religion and it will exist after religion.
it is only a matter of time before homosexuals earn full equal rights.
All arguements are time-bound in the same sense that 100 years ago we could all make arguements about how woman and blacks did not deserve certain rights based on whatever general opposing concensus / science / opinion prevailed at the time.
Gays will be allowed to marry, they will be allowed to adopt, they will be allowed to do anything anyone else is allowed to do but the priviledges will be staggeredly awarded and none of us are within a range of authority to influence.
what about men who have children that are queitly gay?
i have known men who were married (straight), had kids and divorced to be more gay.
nothing changes about their ability to parent being out of the closet.
moreover, is being an abandoned child (for whatever reasons) actually better than living in a loving home with structure and guidance?
I have an issue if the gays are be abusive or coersive, but that is mostly a fallacy anyways. The adoption approval process is pretty friggin strict as it is… the only gays that are slipping through are well adjusted men and women who have careers, education and homes who are prefectly well suited to raise children.
In fact, there are plenty of gay married men and women who would serve as far superior mentors than the average american parents.