Wayne&myself @ fabi drift ops

Heres a chase cam video that brian (silvet-dv) made awesome as always thought id share it here

Wayne owns fabi. me not so much :stuck_out_tongue:



amazing video.

nice vid

diiirty diiirty
whoa is he hitn from the 50 ugh

sick vid man!!


awesome. I like how you did the intro. Too bad the lighting wasnt the greatest.

love the intro of the video man. some sick driftin lucas +1

sick man … i’ve always wanted to try drifting on a wet track … no curbs to hit lolz


The video quality is low because the camera had fog on it, and rain ect…its usually a bit better then that but thanks for the feedback guys!

haha sick, going over the puddles + hit the dirt and it flew up slow, so sick!

wow! awesome vid man! Thanks!

wow very nice drifts wayne!

nice vid and big tune.


i like!

Good job guys!

We NEED more of these.

Good video man! I like that me and Chris STARE at Lucas’ car during the intro…made me laugh. What are you guys using to edit? Premiere?