We are doomed....

dude, if that shit hits the moon, it would be fucking awesome

Found it in one of my astonomy books, and i quote…

The Crater Giordano Bruno is thought to be one of the youngest craters on the moon, blasted out from its lunar surface only 800 years ago. But more important, recent research has indicated that the cosmic impact event was actually witnessed by five or more men in southern England. The odds against an Impact event of this magnitude occuring on the moon in recorded history is 1 in 1,000 (for a 3,000 year period). The odds against an eyewitness of this account are even more astronomical, but the June 18, 1178, event was written in the medieval chronciles by Gervase of Canterbury. The men were facing the new moon when “suddenly the upper horn split in two…[and]a flaming torch sprang up, spewing out, over a considerable distance, fire, hot coals, and sparks. Meanwhile the body of the moon which was below writhed, as it were, in anxiety, and…throbbed like a wounded snake.” After careful analysis, scientists concluded this recorded event was the crater Giordano Bruno in the making-a large crater with a diameter of about 12.5 miles (20 Kilometers) thats has a bright and fresh looking ray pattern spreading out hundreds of miles from it.

Governments arent going to invest the countless billions of dollars it would take to develop a program that would successfully divert an asteroid on a 1:45000 chance. By the time something like this becomes a certainty, theres a good chance it will be too late to develop anything.

I’d guess that if a large asteroid is headed to hit the earth in 30 years, theres a 15% chance that we will be able to divert it.