Its Official: We're all going to die.
Q: What is the Gardner Project?
A: The Gardner Project is an effort to develop a device that processes imagery based on faster-than-light particles (tachyon particles). Unlike a camera which processes light, thus depicting the present, this device should theoretically detect the particles originating from a point in time farther ahead than the present. Since faster than light particles move backward in time the particle imagery that is developed should theoretically depict what we would call “future” time.

Video 1:

Video 2:



wtf is right.

That’s so incredibly fake and ghey I fail to even comprehend why you posted it.

Let me rephrase in a more civilized tone…


then write in and ask for something as proof. they do it.
ask for anything 1193 days into the future.

If you actually think this is real, you are quite possibly the dumbest person I know.

not saying this is real…but how ironic that the pic of S.F. in 2011 is in ruins… there are many ancient calanders that end in the year 2012…dec 21 2012 to be exact…ha

hahahaha…go to their website, theres some shit about the “Cyberdine Tragedy” some kid lookin for his dad or some shit…but isnt cyberdyne the same company that built the terminator? :lol:

this is a fucking Joke, but its going to make for a great TV show

um. i know when my calendar runs out i go buy a new one:shrug:

Meh…who cares…East Coast FTW!

Enitech Research is the name of a fake company and possible alternate reality game whose presence was established through their webpage The website seems to be a part of a viral marketing campaign for “The Terminator” series. It is unknown whether this is for Sarah Connor Chronicles or the next Terminator movie.[1] The initial topic of the video is a pseudoscience project named “The Gardner Project” - a digital camera that can detect tachyons and see into the future “exactly 1,191 days ahead of the time that the image is processed.”

Way to go dumbass, you’re an idiot.

If I was a dumb shit that would be totally entertaining.

Viral marketing for the new terminator show…

I bet you only knew that because you subscribe to the Terminator Web sites…in fact I heard you are a mod there :stuck_out_tongue:


Google > *

ok…i thought this was some shit for that new show

On a side note at least I got entertainment out of this related video…

I love it. They say the camera doesn’t capture light but the headlights in the first image are clearly washed out LOL. Not to mention the image is based on shadows and visible light ect ect.

Obviously i dont think this is real, its supposed to be entertaining. try not too get angry. lmfao

This doesnt sound like someone who is just joking.