We are screwed vObama

Actually, you can blame Chertoff and Bush’s Justice Department for mangling this one. Holder (in private practice, not in any government capacity) was pretty much defending the whistle blowers at Chiquita from civil liability.
To say that that makes him pro-terrorist is to say that public defenders support killers when they defend murder cases.

I here you, I am not saying he is pro terrorist. It just seems like we choose people that have some kind of twist in their past and lately it just hasn’t worked. I know hundreds of smart people that have never been involved with fucked up shit. We have always seen this as “experience” but maybe it is time to choose normal everyday people because this country has been fucked up by "experienced"people. I don’t know, I am jaded and feel like the “dirty” people are dragging us down. Let’s get back to basics.

More craziness: BOA wants another 25 or 35 billion dollars to buy Merrill!?! Why, because you can?

Wake up America, the new definition of bank robbery should be the bank stealing your money.

I saw on TV lastnight that Obama was planning on stealing the Hope Diamond and that all of this election and president shit was just a distraction.

Oh wait that was South Park, NM.

<---- Maybe.

Harry Ried is still pushing for amnesty?!? Does he look at unemployment numbers?!? Even Obama voters don’t want this!

Maybe it’s just me but this is like bizzaro world, everything is exactly opppsite of what it should be. lol

Can we just start over and get rid of any currently elected people. lol

yea there is a black president now…who woulda thought…

I find it funny that a certain “group” is acting like obama is the fucking messiah thats here to save the world. I hope he crashes and burns. And I don’t say this because hes black, but because of all the hype people are giving him and all his “promises”. He better pull off some good shit to get this country back together.

:picard: You want the leader for the next 4 pivotal years at least to crash and burn? You know that usually means you crash and burn too, right?

I don’t wish failure on anyone. I just think we are going in the wrong direction on many levels.

Oh i realize it quite well, but this obama leg humping is out of control…i dont actually hope he crashes and burns in fact i hope he turns this country around…but come on…hes got alot of shit on his plate to take care of.

Welcome to Joe’s world, circa 1/20/2000. Hopefully you’re not as right as I was.

Oh come on you were like 10 years old in 2000.lol

I was 16, and i was a political nerd. :nerd: I was volunteering passing out literature for Gore and Hill-dog. :lol:

You can really blame Washington if you don’t like the so-called leg humping. When you don’t have any inspirational leadership for 10 years you tend to get hungry for it.

And Obama can def talk the talk. I just wish you haters out there would give him the opportunity to fail before you start whining about him.

^I hear you but if the Yankees drafted a bunch of “Bad News Bears” it sure wouldn’t make the fans feel very good.

Edit: Obama has already started, oh except for commenting on the gaza situation. That pissed me off. He has gotten involved with other issues but then says he can’t get involved when it comes to that particular situation.:rolljerk: Pussy. I guess his handlers didn’t train him on that yet.

Well he shouldn’t make policy when there is still a President in office as it might be counter-productive.

Also I much rather him focus his attention to the economy than Gaza.

I agree, in fact I really have lost interest in most foriegn bs, we need to focus on issues at home.
It is just convenient that he will spout off about some issues but then use that as an excuse.

I agree…we shall see if hes got the walk to back the talk.