we got a goalie

awesome. i mean, i want MAF to develop and start eventually. but JT is perfect for what we need right now. i seriously think we will go deep in the playoffs…we r stacked for this season. i’m more hyped for this season more than any other in recent memory…i cant wait.



i’d rather of seen curtis joseph or whoever… but whatever, not like i five a fuck

cool… wonder who will start? i was hoping to see MAF develop too, like you said

Bring back Tommy B!

i think thibault will start. cause they said that Burke wouldve started if we’dve signed him, so i’d assume the same w/ JT. i bet MAF will play atleast enough games to be eligable for the Calder (which is like 24-25 i think).

so wait, Lemieux is actually gonna be lacing up? Thats fucking awesome.

better than a GTP thread!

This may be the best season of hockey anyone has seen in a while this year I think. Considering all the rule changes and the cap.

its like they are going balls to the wall this season, definitely should be exciting again. I love going to the games… maybe iceberg can hook up group rate on a pens game for us?

Pens game meet would be sweet.

Where’s the Pittspeed luxury company box ??

:beer: :beer: :beer: