You have a great property with great opportunity… come on kids… be creative…
like… Lets get one day liquer license, add it as a rider to the building insurance for a day for like $65 and have ASS Drunken one arm boxing.
Or more serious, lets chain 'em up. Bumper to bumper… not just trucks, but shit…even the hated VW’s. Lets see a Jetta try to pull a grand-am… lets see Pauli chain up against 2 explorers at the same time… lets have an ASS “Chain 'em Up” Party. I have a PA system that will draw cops…from watervliet! Then we can have a “slide’n’park” where we set two junk cars up and try some sliding paralell parking …
then, some good ol midgit tossing and we can close with gang rapes.
Jammer for PREZ!!!
Chain’em up sounds like fun!!! sounds like broken axles but fun to watch!!! Someone get a hold of the slide NY kid with the 1K+hp red dodge 2500 wicked truck asap.