Weather 518

+1 exept no skiing for me until mid-jan…fml. want to buy a set of 181cm moment reno jibs with 4ftnt deadbolt 412’s?

Nah, I’m going to get another season or two out of the Chronics before I make another plank purchase.

yeah I feel you, I’ve ridden 2 short seasons on these. I’m getting somthing fatter, and feel like once I start riding them these will just sit around.

I really could use a powder ski that can float. I’ve only ridden the Chronics in deep pow once, but I was also drunkk so I am going to give them another shot before I decide. lol



star specs:0

[PJB]The Colonie town snowplow went by this morning with the blade down.

There was no snow on the road. [/PJB]

Will definitely be in attendance @ Whiteface this weekend for $35 Super Sunday.

And, if things go as planned:

incredibly gay

this might be day one of the year for boarding for me. i don’t feel that for what mountains are charging they have enough terrain open yet. but this is a good deal.

Definitely. Plus, they’re getting plenty of snow between now and Sunday and the temperatures are supposed to remain below freezing. By Sunday, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have at least 50% of available trails open :excited

Let me know if you go up. It should be a good day.

gonna talk to a few people throughout the week, see if i can get some other people to go, but i’ll prob be there either way, just would rather not drive there by myself.

Went and hooked the plow up to the truck today, for some reason it made me suprisingly happy to do so. Apparently Im slightly redneck, fml.

Pretty much confirms pristine preseason conditions for this weekend, along with snow forecast for Sunday. :excited

I think I’m gonna have to go on Sunday. I’ve got a bad ski itch and $35 is a fair price. Gonna tune the skis some night this week, if anyone doesn’t mind riding with a tele skier I’d like to take some runs with you guys. Might spend Sat night in Plattsburgh to minimize driving Sunday.

The more the merrier!

My friend from Binghamton is more than likely going to stay the night here on Saturday, and then we’ll end up leaving Albany around 5 or 6am on Sunday morning.

Hittin Mt. Snow tomorrow

Good stuff.

I’m definitely making my schedule for next semester very, um… mid-week skiing friendly.

Word if I leave Plattsburgh round 7 Ill get there round the same time as you guys.