Weather 518

I heart magic.

I personally prefer candy mountain over magic, Charles.

Took tomorrow off. Heading up to pico. Gonna do some sneaking into the secret stashes of woods off the summit.

Keep your tips up, there wasn’t really any base at Magic so be aware of shit trying to rip your skis off. After this snow packs down and we get another round of snow, backcountry should be golden.

Last Saturday they had a foot of natural in the woods add that to the 16 they got yesterday and the wind blowing the snow into the woods, my wide skis for floatation and I may be able to keep the damage to a minimum… hopefully lol.

Lift got derailed at Sugarloaf today, no word on any serious injuries

Oh the humanity!

Holy shit, wind related? Or just a malfunction?

pretty sure wind related

Wow that’s crazy. Id leave some pudding in my pants if I was on that lift.

Went to Jimeny for the 2nd time in a week. Can now make it down almost all hills on ski’s. Snowboarding sucks. Love skiing. So much better.

Doesn’t skiing just feel like such a more natural form of movement compared to a snowboard? I’ve done both and this I the main reason why I prefer skis.

I’ll race you for 20 bucks.

you guys would probably like fruit booting more then skateboarding too lol.

Live update from Pico. The woods are good.

Shit I need to go soon

Yep. I picked it up within minutes. Only did it for 1.5hrs last week. Yesterday I spent 3hrs up there and by the 2nd hr I was carving a little bit. Next time, I’ll be good.

I’m not into speed yet. Have to learn how to carve/stop to slow myself down quickly. Once that happens, I’ll be pushing the limit.

Some kids sit on their skis and fly by me. First time I saw that I though that person wiped out :lol.

WILMINGTON, N.Y. (AP) - A chairlift breakdown at Little Whiteface Mountain in New York’s Adirondacks stranded 76 skiers a day after a lift derailed at a mountain in Maine, injuring eight

State Olympic Regional Development Authority officials say the cause of the failure is under investigation, but it wasn’t caused by the wind and the chairs were never in danger of falling.
Investigators in Maine have said wind contributed to the accident at the Sugarloaf resort that dropped some chairs 25 to 30 feet into the snow on Tuesday.

ORDA says the 4,100-foot long lift in Wilmington stopped just before 11 a.m. Wednesday and everyone was off by about 12:45 p.m. A member of the ski patrol suffered a minor injury helping evacuate the skiers.

The lift was built in 1978 and passed a safety inspection inNovember.


WTF. Jimeny better not get any issues when I’m there lol.

Lifts break down all the time. The only reason they are getting media attention is because of what happened in maine. I was on a lift at Magic mtn that blew a motor and was stuck for almost two hours not a dangerous thing.