Weather 518

if some of the elevations pick up more than 5 or 6 inches im hiking saturday with rock skis haha.

I don’t think Ive ever had to dust snow off my car in October before.
Here’s Guilderland Center as of 10 min ago:

Never thought I’d have to shovel in October.

About 2 inchs on the ground in averill park. Kill me.

For the love of Christ please tell me they’re not salting yet.

Yeah I hope not. Drove the Tl this morning, but it was only raining. I just looked outside for the first time since, and its sticking here


Snow plows are out. Saw them on 87 and put around town.


great…fucking salt, wont snow again for 2 months…watch

The roads would have been impassable from accidents if the DOT had not laid down the law (salt). Be thankful.

Winter storm warning for tomorrow afternoon/evening!

Clifton Park’s roads were HORRENDOUS this morning, I can’t believe nobody wrecked on my way to work. If the roads were as icy at 730 as they were at 630 grooms road would have been a fucking disaster area. The grooms bridge over 87 was one long sheet of ice, never experienced black ice like that before.

this shit need to stop before somebody gets hurt

just throw some studded winterforces on the cobra JEFFY

yeah? consider it done

Bromley put pictures on their facebook, they are making snow!

what kind of voodoo witchcraft do they posses??!

Roads in EG this morning were icy as FUCK. Was pretty bad. Fucking salt on the road. Looks like I’m draining the E85 rather than driving it out. :frowning:

do a burnout in your garage