Wedding reception

lol this thread just reaffirmed when we thought about you

i think good rule of thumb is your outfit should cost twice the cost of your plate. Jeans and a tee might be ok if youre just running in to give them an envelope and leave but if youre eating and drinking have some respect.

i dunno
i hjad twenty double vodkas and cranberry and s 7 -7 jusdt to make mike happy.

they fed us okay, it was good wooo


What a lousy PS.

No you didn’t.

thinking same thing, you wouldnt be typing if this were true.

I did actually have about 15 vodka n crannberrys last night.
I think im still a little drunk.
I only had one 7 - 7 to try it, not my thing.
Remember I have to get get 300lbs + of person smashed.
