Wednesday Night TMP Open Lapping Day

So I’ve been informed that the Innovative crew will be going up next Wednesday 7/17. I’ve added a date to this thread, so you guy have a week to decide if you’re joining us :slight_smile:

What time would you be heading out from Buffalo? I doubt I’ll be able to make it since I’m 2 extra hours out but we’ll see. I’m more worried about the drive back late than the drive there.

I’m flexible. It starts at 5pm but they say nothing about needed to be there exactly at a set time for the drivers meeting, only that if you show up late to just see the guy in charge. I have no problem waiting for people as long as we’re not crazy late.

I’m sure the Innovative guys will leave to get there with maximum track time.


Bump for Wednesday this week. The weather forecast is HOT but dry!

We getting a crew together or what? I can bring the car up, but I definitely have to get everything together tomorrow to be ready for Wednesday. I am racing in mid ohio on the 27th so next week is a no go for me for sure.

i may go…

Going to be busy the 17th fyi. One of the time attack guys is getting all of his friends to go and is taking his scales/pad for all of them to use. Im expecting that a lot of people are gonna take advantage of that.

Think they would get mad if someone drifted the track instaed of grip runs?

Probably yeah…

I’m 100% in and so are the Innovative guys.

Any idea of how many cars? Not that it’s going to effect myself either way. Even if they brought 10 more cars that normal, that makes a total of what, 15 cars out there? No big deal.

I’d say most of the time yes. However if there is no one else on track and you’re not holding up traffic maybe you could get away with it.

No idea. Just thought you should know its not going to be completely empty like usual.

I’m out, got too much other crap going on this wk.

Same problem here. Plus it’s too damn hot. Heh

That factored into my decision as well, nice boat weather though

I see you reading this MPD47… :snky:

I still plan on going today.

me and mike from innovative are heading up after work.

the blower should love this hot weather…not lol

Are you drag racing or lapping Mike?

lapping. drag racing is for the birds haha

lol, hey just checking!

Are you bringing jack stands by any chance? I forgot to snag mine when getting everything else together :ham:

After talking to several people, looks like we’re skipping today as well… and trying again for next Wednesday! :poke:

It should be slightly cooler at least.