Week in Toronto

I have been in Toronto since last Saturday. This city is just plain wicked. Many good restaurants, clubs, malls and so much to do on a daily basis…Violator and I spent a few days out here in the city, boat cruises, clubs etc…Markus Schulz is at Guvernment tonight and that will be a good time. Here are some pics so far from the week. Keep rude comments to yourselves…

How old are you? Just wondering…

God I love Toronto.


God I love Toronto.



Have a great time at Schulz for me tonight!

that looks like a lot of fun,



Have a great time at Schulz for me tonight!


Oh I plan on it :carnut Have some nice ladies attending with us.

Delta Chelsea :tup:

those blonde girls are scary.

looks like a nice little vacation…was 7 days too long? just curious whether or not a long 4 day weekend would be sufficient, or did you really have a 7 day full itinerary?

You can do alot in toronto in one day. Having some experience and know your way around the city helps but it’s possible.

Id like to get up there for a week sometime. Its too stressful trying to cram a bunch of stuff into a day or two.

I <3 toronto… like a weekend trip to nyc for the buffalonian, a little watered down with drinking for youngins


those blonde girls are scary.


All girls are scary because they are all taller than you


looks like a nice little vacation…was 7 days too long? just curious whether or not a long 4 day weekend would be sufficient, or did you really have a 7 day full itinerary?


7 days was just enough. Sept 22nd, went to a few clubs, Sunday boat cruise, Monday - Friday worked in Toronto…Customer visits and training…Sat and sunday more clubs…During the week, I was able to get out into the city and do some walking around. I know the city pretty well. I really wanted to go to the Toronto Zoo but things didnt work out that way. Went to some really nice restaurants and had some really good sushi and steak. City life is expensive. Between Hotel, food and extracurricular activities I dropped roughly $2,200 bucks :banghead: but overall it was a great time. I love Toronto, so much diversity.