Wegman's is trend setting

smokers are jokers

Smoking is for Flamers!


fags are for fags ?

smoking is gay


Brainwashing FTW. But I don’t want to start a long, stupid discussion of smoking. My point is that I can’t stand the grandstanding and hypocrisy. I learned here that Wegmans was seriously overpricing their cigarettes and therefore probably sold very few. Consequently, they figured “it won’t cost us anything to d/c tobacco sales and we can get some cheap exposure out of it”. That’s fine, but don’t act like “oh, we care so much about you that we decided to stop selling tobacco”. Bullshit. One of their spokepeople was interviewed on radio and was like “we hope some of our employees who chose to smoke will be encouraged to stop by this”. Yawn.

They have the right to sell, or not sell, whatever they want. I believe in choice, and some people chose to smoke. OK, that’s their choice. End of story, IMHO. Just wait - think things are bad now? We are likely to get a Democrat president and a Democrat Congress. God knows what grandstanding, do-gooding bullshit we are going to have to put up with. Warning labels on everything, regulated temperature for fast-food coffee, speed limiters on cars, limits on fat in foods, and so on. There a bazillion things you can dream up that would fit in the category “if it saves one child”. Do you really want that? Again, I completely realize that Wegmans is a private company and if they don’t want to sell ciggies, that’s fine with me. It just brings up the whole issue in my mind because they couched it in the same kind of temrs the Nanny State government does - about how they care about us and are doing shit for our sake. Right.

joe…i was one of the evening kids…graduated in december :slight_smile:

Ha, oh yeah…


It very well could become a slippery slope of fucking rediculus regulations on everything

This is not a regulation. This is an action by a private company in a market driven economy. Take off the tin-foil hat.

Private company slides into trends, slides into govt regs.

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. Government regulations are put in place because private industry can’t/won’t regulate itself. If private corporations want to ban smoking they can do it without government regulation, and therefore would eliminate the need for such regulation.