completely agree with u but the people coming to your door are all given false hope by another person higher on the totum pole that they can make tons of money so they try and hustle anyway they can… i personally went to one of those ambit energy meetings and though i could tell it was bullshit they made it sound real convincing… Those people will give up after a few months and new people will repeat the process but the first people that got them into it will get the residual income forever
Its all BS like others had said already. Just stay with National Greed and feed my pay check. Thanks!
It is a scam, but its not…
Basically they re-sell energy, they will give you your electric and gas at a fixed price, it won’t fluctuate. They come to your house, look at your bill and then give you a rate in which you will be billed in gas and electric thats probably much cheaper than what your paying. They tend to do this when your bill is usually on the high side, when the price per however the fuck they measure it is higher.
Problem is, eventually national grids price per whatever the fuck, Killowat hour? and whatever gas is will go down, it happens frequently at different tiems of the year.
So while National Grids price goes down, your still stuck paying the higher price because your locked in to some bullshit 3rd party energy suppliers rates
It’s not like your going to lose an astronomical ammount of money, but its stupid and I would tell anyone whos doing it or thinking about it to slap themselves and just stick with Nat Grid
We are not locked at a/v , looking at my past bi/s "exactly a yr ago my bills r 20-40 dollars cheaper .
Pretty much what Shady said. They lock in you at a certain rate so one month you might save a bit while another month you might pay a bit more. Their salesman are just creepy as fuck but who the hell wants to go door to door selling energy?
My wife don’t , nor do they want ya to " her company anyway" . They have a home meeting "like avon " and pitch it and so on . No creeping or anything . All there shit is all open and can see options .
Now I see why you ride a Suzuki :rofl
I had a guy from Steakhouse Steaks come to my door selling steaks today. Buying meat out of the bed of a pickup isnt shady, right?
I had to tell him twice that Ive already got a freezer full of steak and venision and didnt want anymore.
I dont even eat steak in the first place but I wasnt about to get into that with him.
what happens is you actually end up paying a small fee each month if you do not choose your power or gas supplier, national grid doesn’t supply the power, they just deliver it. They buy it and sell it to you, by selecting your energy supplier you essentially skip n-grid as the middle man and save ~.000001 cents per kilowatt hour or some very miniscuel amount, but you also save the charge for selecting an energy supplier. Bill still comes from national grid and nothing charges in terms of that, no extra bills or any nonsence. All this is because gas and electric is de-regulated. I went to ambit about a year ago, i instantly started saving about 10% on my bill each month and still do. it went from 110 to 100ish (small apartment). there are many different ones out there, most make you sign a contract for a couple years. Ambit doesn’t make you sign a contract and you can switch at any time. if you refer 15 people you get their average power use-age bill subtracted from yours, pretty much giving you free power (i havent done that, nor do i really care to). you still have to pay the delivery fee since that’s n-grid. you also get bonus points like a credit card to redeem on stuff. My father and all his neighbors have had ambit for a few years now, so i already knew it was tried and tested before i switched over. figured it’s a bill i’m paying anyways so i might as well save a couple bucks each month and earn points i’ll probably never redeem anyways. you can cancel anytime so it’s nothing you’re locked into. most the other ones make you sign a contract, lower your rates for the first couple months and then jack them up. then they charge you a cancelation fee if you want to get out, ambit guarantees you a saving of i think 2%. like i said, it’s a very small savings, but your paying it anyways, why not save a couple bucks.