Natural gas and electricity price protection program

ok so i hear a ring at my door bell when im in my garage working things. my mom comes and says oh it the natural gas guy . i think nothing of it and keep working. well i hear them talking aboutside for about 8 minutes. so i open the garage up and some older guy in a legit looking uniform badge, uniform and all is sitting on my porch talking to my mom. he has some type of agreement shit in his hand. bells go off in my head saying scam. my mom asks for the paper back and he asks us to rip it. he than goes on to say we come back every five years and leaves.

so what is this crap. im calling some type of scam. oh and im asking my mom questions about what he said and asked. she said he wanted to use are phone which i find very disturbing.

the information is overwhelming.

Maybe or maybe not a scam…there are 3rd party marketers out there that can supply your gas and electric. Some of them do lock in prices for the future. He could have been getting her to try and lock in a too-high price, or it coulda been legit.

guy comes in uniform with a legit looking uniform rings my door bell.

mom opens door he talks to her and is trying to get her to sign a agreement on the top of the paper it says Natural gas and electricity price protection program

i go outside to see whats going on because my mom thought it was an offical natural gas guy because she had been talking to him for around 8 minutes so i knew something was wrong

hes trying to get her to sign because his “badge” did not say any thing about natural gas because i was thinking this has to be some scam.

thats what i was exactly thinking. my mom doesnt know what shes reading… you know what i mean ? so i grab the papers from him and rip them in half… he was trying to get her to sign the crap when i was coming out the garage and my mom didnt know what to do.

how many times are you going to say you ripped them in half?

just based on what you described, i think you were rude.

Why didn’t you actually check out the rates for a sec before you ripped them up?

idk it just reminded me of the shit i see on dateline with those nigerian scammers and what not targeting people who have no idea what they are getting into.

Not liking the part about wanting to use your phone. That seems sketchy as shit.

But, the rate lock in guys were out in force back when the prices were insanely high. I got into it pretty good with the guy about how it was pretty shitty that they were trying to lock people in at historically high prices using BS scare tactics that it “might” go even higher, especially when most respectable market analysts were saying energy prices were a bubble that was bound to pop (which it did).

Makes you wonder how many suckers got locked into that record high rate and are still paying it today when prices have fallen sharply.

why wouldn’t you take two seconds to read what you ripped up so you would know what is going on?

OH know’s he stole her identity from a signature.Seriously NOBODY FUCKING CARES

sounds like you should have at least asked him who he worked for and shit. sounds like it could have been a scam, however you certainly douched it up just ripping up the forms without a word

i do not think so at all . come to find out when i looked at the papers my mom already signed them ! lucky i have the carbon prints too.

ya a signature tied to an agreement you dumb fuck

You should of had him check the gas leak…

looks like your mom cant read or instill manners in her children, double whammy

ya i seen on his badge who he worked for… wasnt any one i have ever seen… idk maybe i was rude but i didnt wnt to see my mom fucked over because she had no idea what she was signing

You can always switch to a new provider.

The only one I recommend is ECNY, they are a not for profit company.

so you’ve got the papers…what do they say? Scan and post.