weird? i think so

I just was looking for a set of gram lights on a s13 to post in the rim pic thread and i found this


but these cars are so weird in general


what are you doing up at this hour!!! go to sleep!!! you cannot be tired tomorrow at work!!!

lol, what are you doing up right now! and sorry i forgot to ring you tonight man my fault :frowning:

get a room

If we did get a room you would want to come so shudddaaaaappppp lol

Ladas have the spare under the hood as well.

so do late '80’s/early '90s Subaru Legacy’s.

Here’s a corvair’s rear turbo setup, and a spare crammed in there

They do that so that the engine won’t tire out.


lol i expected something not funny there but good job

lmao it’s a flat six so the tire pumps it up.

I lol’d

L M A O.


I lol’d as well.