Weird Sound at startup

Hey guys, need some more advice. I had this sound at startup for a while now and finaly got around to uploading a video of it. I picked the worst day to do it because it is f***** cold out so its gonna be a bit sluggish at startup obviously. But it always makes this sound when i start her up in the mornings or its been sitting for a while during the day and even in the summer too. It sounds like your started when your gf holds the key too long. In the video you can here it at 0:04/0:05 seconds into it. I can take another video if its not clear enough. Thanks again

if there is a problem i cant tell from that video because starting like that is common in the cold. next time let the fuel pump prime before starting see if that helps.

Its the starter armature getting stuck engaged in the fly wheel before it gets spat out. (its not retracting fast enough)

anything i can do about that without taking it to a garage?

Thanks, anything i can do about that without taking it to a garage? Should i be looking to replace anything because this has been happening for a while

I would remove the starter make sure there is no damage to the flywheel, or the gear on the starter. Try shimming it adding a full shim to move it further away and see if that corrects the problem. If it still happens then that means that there is an internal problem in the starter making the hold down winding stay energized or another wiring diagram.

so 1) check for damage
2) try adding a shim
3) If no change replace the starter
4) If problem still occurs then its probably an advanced wiring problem that will need a bit of electrical work. But not very likely, I have never seen it before, if its a wiring problem it usually has different symptoms.


1)i have no idea how the hell you can hear anything out of that

  1. who the heck are you lol? you post everywhere i go lol.

well if you really want to know, he said in his description that it only happens at startup and that it sounds like his girlfriend is holding in the key. Well since it only happens at start up, the only thing that changes from when the car is cranking to when the car is running is the starter motor armature being engaged with the flywheel. anything else would create a re-occuring sound right. So from the discription I had and the video clip, I made an educated guess as to the most likely thing it could be. I could be wrong. But then again I am just giving my best advice based on the information I have.

As for who am I , my name is Jesse and I work at Stop “N” Go services in burlington. I don’t mean to be rude or put you down at all with my posts, I just figured since some of the people on here helped me out with my piggy back and tuning questions I figured I would try help out with stuff I know.

no offense taken. just curious lol.

your guess is good. just me myself i don’t like to say check this check that unless it’s something easy for anyone to do. pulling a starter. not hard. but for some…it can be a nightmare. know what i mean.

my names Chris btw. Nice to e-meet you???

I work at J.A Automotive in brampton. been in this trade for 10 years.

back to the starter thing. Jesse could very well be dead on. Check it out. It just seems fishy to me that it would happen every time? Or only when it’s cold first thing in the morning? excuse my lazyness. don’t wanna read everything again. But if it is only on cold morning starts. could be the armature or solenoid sticking.

it happens all year round when the motor has been off for a while and then i start it. Sorry for the bad clip because i just got around to recording it and the cold start drowns out the sound, but you guess sounds right. once the sound starts it only lasts for 2-3 seconds so i think the it might be the armature. Thanks a lot for the help guys.