“Like the spinner shark, the blacktip shark is known to leap out of the water and spin three to four times about its axis before landing. Some of these jumps are the end product of feeding runs, in which the shark corkscrews vertically through schools of small fish and its momentum launches it into the air.[4] Observations in the Bahamas suggest that blacktip sharks may also jump out of the water to dislodge attached sharksuckers (Echeneis naucrates), which irritate the shark’s skin and compromise its hydrodynamic shape.[17] The speed attained by the shark during these jumps has been estimated to average 6.3 m/s (21 ft/s).[18]” (I quoted this, because he did this 5 times when I had him hooked)
“The blacktip shark has a worldwide distribution in tropical and subtropical waters. In the Atlantic, it is found from Massachusetts to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, and from the Mediterranean Sea, Madeira, and the Canary Islands to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It occurs all around the periphery of the Indian Ocean, from South Africa and Madagascar to the Arabian Peninsula and the Indian subcontinent, to Southeast Asia. In the western Pacific, it is found from southern China to northern Australia, including the Philippines and Indonesia. In the eastern Pacific, it occurs from Baja California to Peru. It has also been reported at a number of Pacific islands, including New Caledonia, Tahiti, the Marquesas, Hawaii, Revillagigedo, and the Galápagos.[2]”
“Seasonal migration has been documented for the population off the east coast of the United States, moving north to North Carolina in the summer and south to Florida in the winter.”
Looks like I should start playing the lottery JVG. turns out I will win big.
I believe it- ive seen 2 sharks caught right off the beach in the Carolinas (one happened to be right next to a long pier like this one). Not that my word is any better than his, but ive seen a 7’+ TIGER SHARK pulled out of Oak Island Pier with my own eyes after a guy with heavy gear hooked a tarpon, and the shark took the fish and the treble. The other was some sort of reef shark in SC, and prob 4’, but still.
when I went scuba diving last year in myrtle beach, 15 miles off the shore above a ship wreck, as soon as I went off the side of the boat, there was a 15’ tiger shark, 10 ft from me. The thing had to have easily been 1000lbs +. When we got done, the boat captain asked if we saw him. All of us said yes and he said he has been living there for years and they see him everytime they dive.
a quick youtube search with “myrtle beach sharks” and you will watch videos all day.
I fucking hate the ocean. For examples like that video and for that video of the shark mike posted. God damn great whites in cape cod. I was in the ocean in Daytona around bike week and there were spinner sharks everywhere. Def got a little bump and moved my ass out of there quick. Even when i was there back in april, they showed video everymorning of thousands of sharks within 100 feet of the shore swimming up and down from south florida everyday.
I dont know how to swim, but fat floats in salt water, so Im all good. I had to bury my feet in the sand in puerto rico because they kept popping up from under me. I could float around with drinks on my stomach, was funny shit
I looked like a big fat white bobber in the water. I was also beyond intoxicated that entire trip. 1.75l bottles of captain for like $15 FTW! Liver damage FTL