Well that's a little f**ked up...

Ronald “Bo” Ward, owner of Bo’s Barber Shop, had told the council his business would go under if he couldn’t get his home rezoned as commercial. After the 5-7 vote Thursday night, Ward stood and walked toward the council.
“Y’all have put me under. … I’m out of here,” he said before shooting himself in the head with a small handgun.


Good. Hopefully those ppl are scared for life now…


when i was real young i remember watching a video of a mayor(?) or some official do this in front of a council.

word the one on faces of death?

the guy shouldn’t have gone into such deep debt that he had to rely on rezoning to save his business. I have no sympathy for people that choose suicide over dealing with their problems.

The way I read it, he wasn’t so much in debt already, but wanted to expand and couldn’t unless he got re-zoned so that his property value would go up and help him apply for another loan. idk.

either way, stupid.

which is still moronic business.

I would have thought re-zoning had more to do with running a home business, not being commercial space and all. Anyone know how that works? Though he could have gotten a loan, it seems like he was forced in to closing down business because it wasn’t commercial, rather than him simply trying to do so to get $.

Ward had said the rezoning would increase his property value, allowing him to secure a loan to offset debt he incurred when he expanded his shop.

sounds like he made some stupid business mistakes and was hoping he could fix them by taking out yet another loan.

Well, yeah, not the best business decision, but, from a town’s standpoint, I don’t see the economic default they were facing, just a moral one. A bigger shop meant more taxes, both in property value and taxable revenue of the shop.

He would have killed himself either way, just later on down the road


He was probably an only child as well.

zoning boundaries are in place for a reason, to keep businesses and residential areas separate. If he wanted to have a larger barber shop he should have done what millions of other business owner do and lease a shop in a business area.

wow… you really don’t know much about suicide do you…

Did you know that over 90% of people that commit suicide have mental disorders, like depression?

Who knows if that guy had some disorder that no one had previously diagnosed…

I’ll tell you about my dad and how he committed suicide to “deal with his problems” as you say…

Maybe once it affects you and your family, you’ll think differently.

people who kill themselves are fucking stupid.

end of story.

you are the biggest drama queen…

And I really hope that you are somehow affected by suicide…

i dont want to get too blunt since its obviously a very personal issue to you but i just dont see how someone can rationalize that eating a bullet is a better option than just seeking help or starting over.

I completely understand. And until you are in that person’s shoes, you will never understand.

Some people don’t get help, for a lot of reasons. And starting over, many times, is not an option.

Put this into consideration: you’ve just gotten a second divorced, you filed for bankruptcy four years ago so you can’t get a loan for anything, you’re unemployed and can’t find a job, unemployment won’t pay for anywhere near your debt, your kids won’t talk to you, you had a heart attack and you can’t pay for the medication, and to top it all off, you have depression that’s not treated.

Got an idea how to fix that?

I’m not saying that it’s the best option. I’m just saying, for some people, it seems like the only option.

And people who make blanket statements, like people who kill themselves are stupid, ignorant, lazy, etc. aren’t looking at the big picture.

Like you know what it’s like to be lost.

i won’t get lost because i’m not stupid.

it’s fucking selfish and narrow-minded.

sucks that your dad didn’t like you enough to stick around to see you grow up.