Well this is not good

So my father took these this weekend, GNX #285 wipes out at end of 9 sec. run… 2 stories… no brakes… throttle stuck open… driver was elderly man with minor injuries (lucky)


Oh jesus, at least the car took the impact for hime mostly. But this is a real shame to see.

Yeah, such a shame, but at least he drove it, most people with GNX’s let them sit.

That blows!!! Sorry to hear, Kev…

ohh its not one of our cars, this was at the buick nats in ohio this weekend.

The guy is alright tho, which is good.

Full frame cars>

yea thats totaled

what’d he trap?

Mr. elderly man is pretty lucky to get away with no injuries in a no cage smash up like that

it has a cage, and the car runs 9’s

oh, good. I saw the 9’s part, but couldn’t make out any A pillar bars in those pics.


lol does he want another one…

I know of one for sale…


i see a cage in the first and last pics. that sucks, i’m surprised he’s ok after that.

ouch. atleast the guy is alright

The cage probably saved his life, the steering wheel was bent to shit from what my father was telling me.

I have seen a good number of GNX in the last week or so, but everything starts to come out now with the Woodward cruise around the corner.
I saw one last night and threw some revs and a thumbs up and he returned the favor, but we were is some traffic so neither of us were going to play.

Fix her right up. Pull that body back out, some new doors and front clip, tube frame, and you’ll be good to go. On the bright side, this way you can tub a real GNX and not feel bad about it.

its just sad to see a real GNX get wrecked like this.

Looks like number 258 to mee.

dash plate, 3rd last pic.