Went out for German ///Milk


the 2010 6.2

5.5 was a bit out of my price range as a new car

very nice… how did the M5 do for resale with 100k on it?

You couldn’t fit a family of three into your M5?

We fit our family of 3 and all our stuff into a 911 for road trips (6 hrs+)
We fit our new family of 4 and all our stuff into a Mk IV Jetta

you must have a lot of stuff?

Triathlon bike+ equipment + baby stroller + luggage for 3 was a tight fit…

Made the same choice myself.

Jesus christ. You have a lot of stuff!

We never used a stroller (got a sling instead) and I don’t ride bicycles because I own a car.

I’m guessing the X5M is far more useful for you.

Does it also tow?


i got 20k for the trade in… I probably could have sold it for ~ 23-24k. But the sales tax savings for trading it in made it worthwhile to just let it go… since i only could have potentially netted ~ 1500-2k more by selling it private.

i should have held out for more, but i wasn’t in a power position to negotiate since they had not seen the car in person, and i beat them up pretty good on the price of the truck

But i did take off the Corsa Exhaust from the M5, so i will be selling that as well as some other spare parts i have ( spare smg parts and a roof rack)

makes sense.

next question: which gets better MPGs :slight_smile:

so far the edge goes to the x5… but probably only becasue i drive much more sane with it, and it has torque to keep in the lower RPM… the M5, i was always ringing it out because it sounded so nice…

I averaged ~ 14-15 mixed with the m5… so far im sitting at ~ 15.8 with the x5 after 3 days of mixed driving.

highway though the m5 got 19-20 whereas the x5 got 16.2 on my drive back from phili (there were some WOT sessions however that skud that result a bit)

Very cool.

Wow that’s nice

Nice man!


Love it.

Very nice, is this the same X5M i always see pulling out of the subdivision across from YOLO on transit near the day care?

these are awesome and i didnt know it was so fast with those numbers on just a tune. You’ve gotta be able to do 1 or 2 more things to crack 11’s which is just silly in something like that.

i drove an X6M a couple weeks back and it was pretty intense as well.

btw, my cousin up here in Canada is a regular importer of BMW’s and does them wholesale out of Chicago on the regular. If you guys are not trading in against a newish BMW he might be able to broker a few thousand in savings for you since he wouldnt have to bring it over the border.

I use the daycare on transit, but I rarely go the back way in/out… Usually down transit… Mine is the only carbon black one I’ve seen locally sofar… There is a silver one I see a bunch and a black sapphire one on 19" snow tires which are too small

I’ve got winters on my stockers and they work great.