Unfortunatly the car was running horrible. Traction was a slight issue and I Continuisly bounced the 1-2 shift 8-10 times everytime the car went down the track and it needs a new LMAF. so the air fuel is way off and the car is extremly leaned out on both banks.
Video against SVT Cobra. I lost by 2 tenths.He got me at the very end.The MAF hit a dead spot at 90 and then started to pick back up. Gotta lot of bugs to fix on this thing.
Well i doubted it was going to break. The Methonal helps boost the octane to reduce and spark knock. I just wanted to get it on the track at least once before the season was over. I may be out getting a new LMAF this week for it but all in all It drove there and it drove home. So I lucked out this time.