West End BBQ - Saturday, August 13th

Yeah, come by anytime…

yeah what phil said, just come over even if you want to sit around and do nothing. thats cool lol.


who’s the second person?

me and bog.


yay, no more auto for lith.

yay, no more auto for lith.[/quote]

yeah :smiley:

You guys going to be around for a while? Maybe a bit later the GF and I would swing by.

yeah probably, we are planning a nice cruise just like last night. pretty much the same drive and havin teh same fun after. i posted my number in my “other” post give us a call. should be fun…no neutral bombing the auto haha


will do.
i’ll miss the neutral bombing though it was good dedication.

Where is this other “post” you keep talking about? :roll:

ummmm …



what city? i might come after 5


i still need direction on who to get to brocks house lol…

701 Greenmeadow Cres
L5A 2V3

Mapquest it.


brock your a good guy lol…

giddy up


It’s going to be raining this weekend. FYI.

Hopefully all goes well for the bbq.

it is lightly raing all weekend. on and off. it should be ok. today is the worst day of the weekend.

Week. :twisted: