West End Meet...every wednesday

lol you all missed it, if you asked me earlier i woulda hooked you guys up haha


As a spectacular sales rept, it’s your job to keep your customers informed.

Where can I voice my complaint?

On a serious note…that is a killer deal.

im probably going to end up rolling down, we need to actually get jdm panda to put the correct place, or where are we meeting?
10th and derry or 403 and dundas?? so confused.

i think it should be at 403 and Dundas from now on!!

Rain tonight but I might show up.

I’m down

I got that deal u guys were talkin about. Its SICKNESS. But txt msg’s r low in that plan…

I’ll show up tonight, school work is not importaint…

P.s 403 dundas or 10th??

I’ll drop by. PM me if you want to buy my stuff (see sig for link, shameless plug)

West side is betta!

lol nice meet, if only people can show up earlier tho -_-

Lol, maybe you just shouldn’t show up so early :stuck_out_tongue:

yo whos coming out tonight???

what time do you guys usually show up?
i was there until 9:30 last week but no one else was there :frowning:
i felt like an idiot.

I’ll come if someone wants to buy my stuff (see sig) Will, I know you want my “rusted garbage.”

Lol sorry jstn, me and my friend were gonna come but then we got sidetracked while working on my friend’s volvo. we’re gonna be there this Weds, who’s coming out?

I should finally be there again if I get this damn engine working…

I hate cars.

so who’s going to be there tonight?


YEEEEEEEAAAAA. Buy my stuff (see signature, click, want, then send me a PM).