West End Meet...every wednesday

there is a 18.76% chance ill go

Then there is a 81.24% chance your getting your ass kicked.


Nice. Looks like I will be driving our slow WRX wagon this time. STi is sold!

Il be there when i get the turbo on the ka :slight_smile: Haven’t been to a meet yet…

anyone doing this tonight?

ill be there!

I’ll prolly swing by.

i was shocked to see you guys are still doing this

i didnt even know anyone! it’s a whole new generation of 240 people :smiley:

night kid, i’ll bring the my subie next time too, hows that sound? we can show these 240 clowns some actual fast cars :smiley:

you going this wed John?

i dont know anyone there… :wink:

anyone going tonight?


I’m there

where’s the meet tonight exactly? dundas and 403 where exactly?


come pick me up

It’s at a timmies there across the street from the movie theater. But I wont be there, by clutch lines are all fooked up. :frowning: I supose I’ll just drink tonight…

anything tonight? i might actually come out for once.

i might be there, dunno

I’ll finaly be there after a few weeks of my car being broken. See you guys at 10 ish… (Sept 03)

I’ll be there, but without the 240.