West End Meet...every wednesday

Haha, yea, I was there for that too. Quite the un-pleasantness.

Good meet, glad to meet you guys, hear soem ideas, horror stories *cough and put some faces with the names

Zac-white g20

^Err… You’re not allowed to have that name :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s funny, but as soon as I saw it, I shat bricks because I thought Marc was back, then I found out someone jacked his name.

well don’t want to spam this thread and respect any familiarities you associate with the name. Names should be unique I get you.
… but im not changing it. :slight_smile:

That was one of my first meets and I remembered thinking “WTF have I gotten myself into by associating with these SON people”

Homoes. Wemsday, we meeting or what? I have the car now.

lol knowing you solarian, you wont make it with some kinda excuse like you have no money for gas, or your mommy stole your tires, or the dog ate my bumper, etc lols

ill be there as always ahaha its down the street from my house anyway.

Can I park beside you - I’d like my car to look a little baller beside a true baller.

LOL, I’m blushing. Stock G isn’t that baller, and I really like your Cookie anyway, so feel free.
Oh, if any of you bastages have a tripod, I wanna bring my DSLR out and take some shots. I used to mooch my friend’s, but we don’t talk much anymore, so I don’t wanna ask to borrow it.

pfft you fail at photos, let me take pics hahahaha i miss photography :frowning: i need a new DSLR

Eeh, I had just gotten my camera :stuck_out_tongue: I wanna take a few myself, and I’ll let you shoot the rest. I still need a tripod either way though, you have one?

LMAO you dont need a tripod pfft, i never used one and my night shots USUALLY came out pretty good heh

We can use your car as a tripod lol… I have an IR trigger to go with it.

LOL u wish buddy pfft

Looks like it may clear up later on tonight, if no rain, I’ll come out.

I’ll be there as well… probably around 8:30
but this time I’ll go to 403/Dundas (apparently the location changed again… and we just LOVE to go heatscore places… as far as I remember, we didn’t go there cuz of all the idiots and cops, why did we change it again??)

lith, it is the worst possible location - I hate going for that reason and probably will only show up 2 or 3 times through the season… just like last year :wink:

jammin, I agree with you. I’ll go there today and if it’s anything like before, I probably won’t show up much at all…

I might show up tonight, depending on weather.

I’m up for a location change :smiley: SQ1 Timmies is a LOT closer for me.