West End Meet...every wednesday

Yah okay, didn’t you already show up twice? Maybe even 3 times this year already?

Me too. but i dunno…

I will drop by after 11pm for a few minutes!!

haha mark fuck you

i went once for real because i didnt go ALL of last year

the second time i was there for less than 10 minutes because i was already in the parking lot with my girlfriend and i said hi

still tho, fuck you :wink:

^^ lol

i might show up

i gotta collect from some people

i wont be there -_- my suspension went kaboom right through the strut towers, both at once…Mad fail, ah wells im going to buy a real car!!!


I was planning to show up, but gonna stay home.

illl prob go, as people keep asking me to go fuck!

April fools btw lols

im on the fence…

that was a good turn out last night guys haha didnt figure that so many people would show up heh

completely enjoyed it. Cool guys,cooler cars.

Anyone Coming out?

I’m heading there now.

be there after ufc who else is showing up

lol i fell asleep -_- woke up, flew down the street and ended with a dynamic transmission destroying reverse into a parking spot lols

If I had found out you watch UFC before I saw you, I woulda picarded you.


lol i wonder if you have a triple facepalm ready for the one day you’re really REALLY disappointed haha

I was eating titties when Mark called :smiley:

OOOOOOMG those are so tasty mmm what flavor