West End Meet Tonight! May 10th, 2006

Meet will be at Derry and 10th line as usual. Who’s gonna be there? by the way, i think most pple show up at around 9:45 - 10:30.

mark, are u bringing the GTR this time?

Ill be stopping by, I have to give something to Matt

Nah, i’ll be bringing the drift car tonight.

People usually show up LATE at 9:45-10:15

I should be there depending how things go at the shop.

I might make an appearance tonight.

Nice, let us know jon, it has been a while

Not me – I’m in Winnipeg

Guess I’ll have to take your place to represent the high horsepower cars :hsugh:

Guess I’ll have to take your place to represent the high horsepower cars :hsugh:[/quote]

yeah so long as you remember to tighten the clamps on your compressor outlet hose :lol:

If I make an appearance tonight it will be a little later probably around 10:30-10:45 pm. I will try hard to come, it’s 8:38 pm right now and Im still stuck at work…stupid customers wont go away lol.

10:02 PM still at stuck at work… I hate my job, I have been here since 9:00am for fuck sake.

Sorry boys it will have to be next Wednesday :frowning:

:roll: quit ur complaining i started at 7am and got off work at 10:22pm


7:00 to 9:30

yesterday 8 - 4:30

well that does not seem to bad :smiley:

i worked 5-9

what is this ‘work’ you all speak of?

Ya If Cal can come out then you all should have been there.