West Seneca Neon Owner

hey im from west seneca i own a red 1st gen neon with a body kit(most of u probably have seen me causa the huge wing on the back:P)Im on my 4th transmission in like 6 months cause they are shit and leak and the dif breaks(on stock setup:violin:).Im planning a 2.0 or 2.4 DOHC Turbo Build for this or another 1st gen once I get another job.I’m always up to race but will lose to most cars that arent stock or fast v6s stock.I love drifting in the snow. (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=21345582)
.Theres also awesome 1/4 mile somewhat secluded three lane road over there that I’ve raced on.

no street names n00b :stuck_out_tongue:


oh god…is this…is this that kid? please say yes


oh and welcome

Welcome. :wave:

You’re doing something wrong if you’re breaking Neon trans at stock power levels. We’ve put 400-600hp through them consistently with very few issues. Overfill the trans by ~.5qt or so, should help keep the diff pin lubed.

Never checked what happened,maybe it had bad seals that chewed it up.

LOL do you live on union?? Also if i where you id just stop with everything now

go for the 2.4 stratus motor super easy to do

of course hes doing something wrong … youve seen pics of the car, right ? lol

this thread= backfire. welcome to nyspeed, good luck to you.

someone may as well lock this now, i dont see it goin anywhere but south.

Best of luck to you,

lol, He’s a nice kid, he means well. He’s just starting to get into cars, everyone seems to have some sort of phase like this. Give the kid a break.

i think 90% of the cars that posted in this thread are just as shitty as his.




devon but yes?

He’s bryan bratos…


next time dont pull the ebrake just aim for the wall